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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. doghousedevil

    spindle problem

    what is the best way to get these sleeves off of these spindles? are they for disc brake conversion? i'm trying to use a set of f-1 brakes i got from a friend. thanks, dhd
  2. doghousedevil

    vinegar rust removal

    would this work for a set of spindles?
  3. doghousedevil

    Thank Goodness for Camera Phones

    don't know this guy i took this on the way to my buddy's house. i have no idea who the guy is, but that sure is a cool 55 chevy.
  4. doghousedevil

    earthman's actual ratrod foto thread

    pic of my rat custom. she's the devil in disguise.
  5. doghousedevil

    1929 6-29 Coupe

    rear window i have a rectangle rear window section i'm probably not going to use if you decided to go that route.
  6. doghousedevil

    steering wheel repair

    paint when repainting, what's the best kind of paint to use?
  7. doghousedevil

    Tattoo of a red coupe

    nice tat a buddy of mine did this on me about 8 years ago, a couple of weeks before he died. he was a fellow car nut as well. it's a coop picture altered with the rat fink. i didn't really want the coop devil.
  8. doghousedevil

    cleaning up spindles

    i just sent some money off for a set of spindles that will need to be cleaned up. what's the best way to do this? a buddy of mine used CLR on some other parts and it seemed to work good. i usually use my angle grinder with a wire brush cup on my finds, but for obvious reasons i'm not going to...
  9. doghousedevil

    low down 55 progress

    nice what he said. she needs a hair cut.
  10. doghousedevil

    Modern Day Hot Rods??

    modern? the 69 camaro was mine, the 69 pickup was my buddy's. i sold the camaro a few years ago to pay some bills and had enough left over to buy the 29 chevy i'm building now. the pickup was just sold 2 monthes ago.
  11. dreaming of the future

    dreaming of the future

  12. 6 inch chop

    6 inch chop

  13. inside is just as pretty

    inside is just as pretty

  14. 50years in a chicken coop

    50years in a chicken coop

  15. with a 6 inch chop

    with a 6 inch chop

  16. when i picked her up

    when i picked her up

  17. 29 chevy international 2 dr sedan

    29 chevy international 2 dr sedan

    in progress
  18. notice the cold front just starting to blow over

    notice the cold front just starting to blow over

  19. i'm trying, but it's still ugly

    i'm trying, but it's still ugly
