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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. doghousedevil

    Lonestar Round Up 2008 - who's goin'!?

    that's a big 10-4 finally got my confirmation email today. that seemed like it took forever.
  2. doghousedevil

    Lonestar Round Up 2008 - who's goin'!?

    check is in the mail i just sent my check for the registration, so i'll be splittin' on fri., if anybody wants to caravan. if not, this is what i'll be driving. hopefully i'll make it :D
  3. doghousedevil

    Cars of RRR. Post Your Pics Here.

    my rides 1950 chevy bel air 1929 chevy international 2dr sedan
  4. doghousedevil

    Lonestar Round Up 2008 - who's goin'!?

    caravan i haven't registered yet, but i was wandering about a caravan as well. this will be my first trip out in my 50 chevy and i know i'm going to encounter some obstacles. i would be interested in meeting up with some people from the houston area. chris
  5. doghousedevil

    What kinda music do ya listen?

    rockabilly music i play in a rockabilly band out of houston called the U Joints. check us out on our myspace page if you want. also check out the Road Kings. they' ve been out for about 15-20 years and kick it way old school. i've been known to listen to...
  6. doghousedevil

    Steering box question...

    s-10 box i also have the opportunity to get an s-10 box right now for $50. i'm going to be running a 327 in a 2x4 frame with suicide suspension in the front. should i jump on this? it's already out of the truck.
  7. doghousedevil

    Front axles, whats the difference?

    hey don, when you move the spring behind the axle, how much does this way lower the car? how hard is this to do? i have a '37 axle and springs, and i dont know what year the split wishbone is from. here's a pic of my car so far. we temporarily welded the doors on because it's a chevy and it...
  8. doghousedevil

    Front axles, whats the difference?

    hey don, how much does this way lower the car? how hard is this to do? i have a '37 axle and springs, and i dont know what year the split wishbone is from. here's a pic of my car so far. we temporarily welded the doors on because it's a chevy and it had fallen to pieces.
  9. doghousedevil

    where to go?

    parts what about streamline? i've seen their adds in i think it was rod and custom. their website is not up and i was curious what all they have and what kind of prices.
  10. doghousedevil

    where to go?

    i'm in the process of unloading crap at my house for some cash for parts. can anyone tell me where's the best place to find shackles and kingpin sets? i also need spring brackets. i was told speedway was the most affordable. i'm working on a very limited budget(like most of us.) also this...
  11. doghousedevil

    front leaf spring

    leaf spring thanks for the tip. i pulled every other one and i'm left with six. i kept the bottom 2 and top 2. looks like this will allow me to move the location of my suicide perch down like i wanted. in regards to the reversed frame, i saw a pic of a chevy done this way in ol' skool rods...
  12. doghousedevil

    front leaf spring

    i scored a 37 ford front axle and springs this weekend at a swap meet and i'm curious if it matters how many leafs i take out and which ones?
  13. doghousedevil

    rear suspension

    thanks for the advice thanks for the advice. this isn't the first car i've worked on, but it is the first hot rod i've built from scratch. i got a spot at a pretty big swap meet this weekend, so i'm keeping my fingers crossed that i will sell enough stuff to get this ball rollin' again. any...
  14. doghousedevil

    Got my next project

    great find i say go gasser, too.
  15. doghousedevil

    1950 chevy

    here are some pics of the new car i snatched up. came from california before i got it off a guy out of mesquite, tx. sitting on a '79 caprice chassis and running gear. cool car, but needs a lot of work. sounds like fun to me. oh yea, i was told the hood came open at 70mph while it was being...
  16. doghousedevil

    My '41 Ford PU build!

    don't you own a sedan/roadster? i think i saw pictures elsewhere of another car you built. it was a sedan/roadster. do you have any more pictures of the car and the build?
  17. doghousedevil

    rear suspension

    need help on setting up my rear suspension on my 29 chevy 2door sedan. i have a model t frame with the spring and i'm curious if this set up will work for the frame we built out of 2x4? we built the frame to with the suicide front and z'd the rear 12" with a temporary cross member in place for...
  18. doghousedevil

    more old town spring pics

    more pics of ots car show
  19. doghousedevil

    more old town spring pics

    rained cats and dogs but made for some cool pics.
  20. doghousedevil

    austin car show pics

    that 4 banger is norm's. his band 3 pot offy jams. i dig on the johnny hootrock stuff, too.