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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. N

    Wheel spacers and the Hub-centric vs Lug-centric debate

    Because I'm in a situation where (for our family car - winter wheels and tires) I'm considering something I never thought I would look at twice, I've been trying to get to the bottom of the question of wheel spacers. I did a search here for information, as well as a couple of other forums about...
  2. N

    Tire Speed Ratings

    Now I see that the 'XL' is the Load Range Rating.....** BUT, any feed back on the question of downsizing the wheel from 18 to 17?
  3. N

    Tire Speed Ratings

    Looking at some snow tires for our family car (AKA “my wife’s car”). Before now, I was unacquainted with the “Speed Rating” part of the tire code. But I am still not sure I understand it, at least in the case of the tires I’m looking at. Here’s the specific tire: Bridgstone Blizzak DM-V2...
  4. N

    Small shop projects.

    I took one of those down to Brazil, and tried to use it to pick up grass clippings on the grass landing field (airstrip, for the mission Cessna 206), but it couldn't handle the amount of clippings I was attempting to pick up. The only time I needed to get them off of the airstrip was when we...
  5. N

    Custom Mopar ????

    I'm seeing now to what degree we owe the liveliness of this forum to Torchie. Does anyone have off-line contact with him? I never had the pleasure of meeting him in person, but miss his interaction & input here.
  6. N

    Custom Mopar ????

    I never had the pleasure of meeting you in person, but have really enjoyed and learned a lot from watching your work and ideas as expressed in this Dodge. Really sorry to hear about this additional health issue. For whatever it's worth to you, I will be praying for you.
  7. N

    What happened to KillBillet?

    I also noticed some months back that it didn't work anymore. That was my (oldest) brother's favorite site. I did a lot of lurking there, here, and on the HAMB, but liked the atmosphere here best. There used to be a rodder's site from in Australia, too. There was a guy on there that was an...
  8. N

    Fess up!!! What kinda car did you drive in High School!?

    I rode the bus to school, all 12 years. I got into the ecology movement in HS (graduated 74), and actually didn't get my license until I was 18 1/2. First car was a 62 Chrysler Newport, with the 361. (It was the old family car.) But I was already 21. (Poor college kid. But hey, I paid up...
  9. N

    Unique hot rod hauler

    A roll-back deck would really make it easier to get the car on & off. (If there is one, I couldn't see it in the photos.) EDIT: I think I recall seeing a picture of one built from that motor home that was based on the Olds Toronado drive train. That allowed a much lower center of gravity for...
  10. N

    Small Engine Repair

    Thanks for your response. That is something I had not thought of. And I haven't gotten it going yet, either. Resurrected an old electric power washer to take care of things this Spring. I'll check this out, maybe if I get some time next Saturday. (Work keeps me really busy during the week.)
  11. N

    How's your weather????

    We had a straight wind ("derecho") come through here on Monday, June 13th, around midnight, then another a few hours later. Electricity was off for 5 days, got it back at around 5:30 PM on Saturday the 18th. No internet until today - it would have been 4 weeks tonight. We finally lost hope...
  12. N

    USA Gets Cheated on Cars

    I don't remember exactly when it was, but they kept on making them in Brazil for a long time, too (but quit before 2004). Actually, they had stopped manufacturing them earlier, then the president ordered VW to start making them again. (There's a joke about that in Brazil, but it only makes...
  13. N

    just some fun pix

    That's what I think of powder coating as well. It is very convenient for the manufacturer, but not really better quality (in my opinion, as one who worked in a powder coat operation).
  14. N

    Custom Mopar ????

    Different symptoms, but if anyone ever starts having trouble swallowing, check it out right away. My Bro-in-law and a fellow church member both had that issue, and it was esophageal cancer. It goes fast if not caught real soon.
  15. N

    The VINs of pre 1954

    Whose daft idea was it to register vehicles by the engine number? Surely they could have known already by the thirties that engines were often replaced during the life of a vehicle. The old MoPar manuals from at least in the forties make it plenty clear that the Serial Number is the vehicle's...
  16. N

    just some fun pix

    I remember seeing an old International Harvester pickup in an abandoned salvage years ago. As the wood frame rotted away, the panels had separated and were falling apart in different directions....
  17. N

    How's your weather????

    Bad and getting "badder".
  18. N

    What brought you here?

    Couldn't remember, but according to my "profile", I joined in 2012. Reason? I am interested in inventiveness and originality more than in a perfectly painted run of the mill 32 Ford with an SBC in it. This is back to the basics, like someone said, "Window glass is over-rated" - imagination and...
  19. N

    Anybody build 4 cylinder or 6 cylinder rat rods?

    I would love to have a straight 8 flat head Chrysler engine in one. But no kidding, a lot more $$ than a SBC for sure.
  20. N

    Drill Bits

    Sharpening bits for me has always been a bit hit & miss. But now my eyesight is so poor that I'm a lost cause on the small ones for sure.