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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. N

    Custom Mopar ????

    After I got the pins out (drilled them out, as I could not get them to budge) I drilled out the hole in the tongue by working my way up little by little, like 1/16" at a pass. (Figured I could keep it more accurate that way.) Then the last pass was 1/64" under, followed by a hand reamer. I...
  2. N

    Custom Mopar ????

    There are a few (at least) members here who are also on the P15-D24 forum, but I don't know if you're a member there, and if so, if you've posted your questions there. (It started as "strictly" MoPars of the 46 to 48 model run, but with openness to earlier & later models an increasing trend, so...
  3. N

    Custom Mopar ????

    I didn't realize any MoPars were built that way. I wondered, because I thought I could see a bit of the serrations on your picture 0-2.jpg, just below where the head broke off. (The one of the pin itself.) On mine, there are serrations on a shoulder just below the head, which when pressed...
  4. N

    Custom Mopar ????

    Not sure I'm understanding the last part here. By "heavy strap part", do you mean the "tongue" (the part that fastens to the door), or the "hinge frame" (the part that fastens into the A pillar)? (I'm not claiming to have the right terminology, it's just what I call these different parts.)...
  5. N

    Making custom tail light lenses

    I found a big section of a tail light 'lens' (one of those that goes clear across the back of the vehicle) along the side of the road, and naturally, I stopped to pick it up.... (Drives my wife crazy.) I had in mind to cut sections out of it, and then figure out some way of making an edge on...
  6. N

    Merry christmas !!!!!

    Merry Christmas to everyone. Raining here in Ohio today, no white Christmas. (Cannot go to the pool, either. That's what we often did while we lived in Brazil, unless it was pouring rain. Rainy season there this time of year.)
  7. N

    When Is It Time to Scrap It?

    I wish I had pictures of some of the vehicles we saw down in Brazil. Like one of those mini-pickups, I think it was called the Ford Pampa down there, where the frame was so broken down the whole thing sagged very noticeably in the middle. Or the old Willys that had a Yanmar diesel out of a...
  8. N

    just some fun pix

    Like when the "Jaws of Life" become the "Jaws of Electrocution".
  9. N

    Catch of the day

    We didn't have mice where we lived in Brazil - just rats. There was one that was living under the kitchen cabinet, and the trap would always be tripped that we put right in front of the hole. I had already patched the hole in the metal screen where it was getting in - it just chewed another...
  10. N

    Custom Mopar ????

    Thanks much for the info. Could be the Dodge pins were larger than the Plymouth pins, or maybe the 49s were larger than the previous model run. Or maybe they were originally 5/16 or 11/32, and yours were drilled out when they got sloppy during the car's previous lifetime. It is something that...
  11. N

    Custom Mopar ????

    Of the 6 hinges (not counting the upper two on the rear doors, which are external) on my 46 Plymouth, I was only able to press out 2 of them. The others were all twisted off just below the knurled area, & had to be drilled out. But I would be interested to know the diameter of your pins. I...
  12. N

    Show Off Your Garage

    Of course there was the "hidden cost" of the time & gasoline to drive the 30 plus miles.... (But we don't want to think about that part. :cool:) I already had a drum puller for the MoPar rear drums on the ones that were press fit (like my 46 Plymouth), but this one is maybe more for the crank...
  13. N

    Show Off Your Garage

    tools - auction lot Not a garage, just something more to put in it.... Picked up this lot in an auction yesterday - $2.00 (plus tax). Two chain breakers, a small pulley puller, and the large puller, which was why I bid on this lot. Wondering if it looks familiar to anyone here, or what...
  14. N

    Electric engine swaps

    Living in the middle of the largest Amish community in the US (& world), and with the e-bikes as popular as they are, I have nearly stepped out right in front of electric bikes coming up behind me more than once. The first time I was stepping out to cross a street here in our small town, and...
  15. N

    Custom Mopar ????

    Had my right arm in a sling for awhile once while we lived in Brazil - LHD car with floor shift. Hold the wheel with my knee, reach across & shift w/ the left hand.
  16. N

    Custom Mopar ????

    Thanks, I remember now that you mentioned that in the past, but had forgotten.
  17. N

    Custom Mopar ????

    Just curious where you get your body-mount rubber biscuits. I've read a fair bit (on another forum) about the difficulty of finding quality rubber parts that don't go bad in just a few years. (I need to replace the rubber body to frame mounts on my 46 Plymouth. I reused the original ones when...
  18. N

    Shipping Container

    I would have one already at our future residence if my father-in-law didn't frown on them even stuck back in the woods. (Later this month it will be 1 year since he passed away, at 99 years of age, and we are working of fixing up his house, and will be moving out there. But I don't expect that...
  19. N

    Shipping Container

    I would close the holes, whether by welding or some other method, but a separate roof would really help reduce the heat level in there. But you cannot beat one of these for security. My grandpa had large a steel tank on the farm that he had converted into a small grainery. (He had put an old...
  20. N

    Custom Mopar ????

    Why couldn't we have all done this when we were young?!? Reminds me of what a lawn care guy told me about his son. First, I set him off by asking what kind of poison he was spraying on our neighbor's grass. We had fruit trees right along the border, and I could smell something that sure...