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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. N

    Custom Mopar ????

    I don't know about these later models (and also Dodge, not Plymouth), but some have a support on the back of the radio to the firewall. (Those old radios are heavy beasts!) The only other thing I can think of would be the cowl vent lever.
  2. N

    Can I do it?

    If you were in a low humidity area, the old "swamp coolers" work pretty well. Used to be a thing to hang wet sheets in the windows, out in western Oklahoma, where my grandparents lived. When we lived in the Amazon jungle we had a gas refrigerator for awhile, and I always thought about how the...
  3. N

    Small Engine Repair

    I usually avoid using ether (just use one of those little printer ink bottles with the steel nozzle to spray in a bit of gasoline), but I did also try the ether, but it still won't run. I just can't think of what would cause it to not start again after running fine, then just shutting it down...
  4. N

    Small Engine Repair

    No, didn't replace the spark plug yet, but I can see the spark jump the gap.
  5. N

    Small Engine Repair

    I did have the carb off, cleaned it out a bit, and took the float off to look at the float valve. Everything looked OK, but I'm not a small engine mechanic, either. I could take it to a small engine shop here in the area, but several years back I took an engine to them & just asked them to...
  6. N

    Small Engine Repair

    I did wonder about the gasoline, as I had just bought it at the local station that sells the recreational gas. But I'm running other engines on the same gas (from the same purchase). Still have to wonder a bit though.
  7. N

    Small Engine Repair

    My Craftsman power washer has a Tecumseh Enduro overhead valve 6.0 HP engine. I bought it used, but I have always used the “recreational” gas, and it usually starts with no big issues. This Spring I got it out and it started up pretty easily, with just a bit of gas spritzed in the carb. My...
  8. N

    Can I do it?

    Reading this reminded me of my grandpa's garage. It was built for a Model T. Board walls, dirt floor. Two swinging barn style doors. And NARROW. It was so narrow when they got home from church (my Grandpa hardly ever went anyplace else) everyone piled out before he put the car in the...
  9. N

    Free MC

    Looks like the type they use on the (Amish) buggies around here.
  10. N

    just some fun pix

    FedEx - - GROUNDED.
  11. N

    Custom Mopar ????

    I'm genuinely impressed with what you did here, and in the rear with this small diameter rod. I've seen some shaved hoods before where they just end up looking like a flat pancake. Your treatment here really creates a nice definition to the otherwise really large flat space, and this era of...
  12. N

    Can I do it?

    Yeah, right. Bad idea in our home. She already wants to throw away most of my stuff. She can't understand why I keep things, but then she keeps stuff I wouldn't, so we ought to be "even", but it doesn't work that way. I've realized that I will never rest easy with just a garage attached to...
  13. N

    Used Car Ad Phrases You Just Don't Get

    The figure I've often heard is 20%. That is, if you cannot see paying 80% of their asking price, then just walk away. But a friend of mine, who was interested in buying the house next door to ours, later told me that he & his wife had looked at it, but couldn't see paying very close to the...
  14. N

    Used Car Ad Phrases You Just Don't Get

    Barn Find. It may have been a great description at some time in the now dusty distant past, but it's so over used it's like the real estate phrase "Location, location, location."
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    Thinking on a 3D printer

    My son and a friend of his went together on one of those (same brand, anyway), and it runs pretty much non-stop during the times when he has it here. (Printing a pistol grip right now.)
  16. N

    why we like Gas ..

    You sure? I was going to say "That'll buff out..."
  17. N

    Endless BS thread

    Seenagers.... Been there & done that, I THINK. Not sure, because when I got there, I forgot what I wanted there.
  18. N


    Seeing his here was got me interested in these small cycle cars as well. Bought the rad shell, hood & fuel tank off of a FarmAll M, which is maybe a bit too big for something like this. (Would also be really heavy by their standards.) I think I'm going to have to try to sell it, because I can...
  19. N

    Chrysler flathead

    I've heard a lot about the use of these MoPar engines in forklifts and in farm equipment over the years, but the only industrial engine I've ever seen "in real life" was one on an irrigation set up in Nebraska, might have been any time between 74 to 80 or so. I don't recall what it had at the...
  20. N

    Custom Mopar ????

    Here's one for sale in Akron, Ohio. (My general area)...