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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. N

    Custom Mopar ????

    I'm not sure how different the rocker construction is on this 'generation' of MoPar from the previous one (P15 for Plymouth, & D24 for Dodge), but on my P15 (46 - 1st issue 49, and in a practical design sense including the 42), the inner rocker sheet metal comes down from the bottom of the floor...
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    In the town where my daughter & son-in-law used to live, there is an antique & custom used car lot. It's one of the big draws for that town, but the "town fathers" got after the guy for having untagged cars outside. The really funny thing is that if you look up that town on google maps, the...
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    Modifying Harbor Freight Sandblast Cabinet

    I'm curious if you have ever used a pressure feed media blaster, and how you would compare the two system designs. Years ago I worked in a plating shop, and often spent whole days standing at a pressure feed blasting cabinet. Of course with that sort of commercial environment, we had huge...
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    Why? Why not??

    My son & I spent some time at a local car show this afternoon. I was looking to pick some brains about some issues I'm dealing with on mine, but it was all "We bought this car just like it sits, except for .... new seat covers / new so-and-so / etc." I like to talk to the builder.
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    Custom Mopar ????

    Been a while - How is the recovery progress coming along? (Thinking about your mom-in-law makes me remember how it was with my wife's mom before she passed away I think 9 years ago today or within a couple days of today. She had had a heart attack about a year earlier, and she never lost her...
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    Custom Mopar ????

    I keep thinking about what you've talked about here with your concerns for your mother-in-law, and have hesitated to say anything, because I don't know you personally, and have only interacted a bit here, probably mostly on this thread. As far as understanding what you are dealing with, I'll...
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    A penetrating oil tip!

    Does the trannie fluid prevent the acetone from evaporating, or does it need to have more added from time to time?
  8. N

    Custom Mopar ????

    FYI: I have two P15s (46 & first series 49), and the sway bar on them is like Torchie's 49 Dodge. (I can't say for sure that the shape is exactly the same, but the design is the same - connection points, support brackets, the way the rubber bushing is held in the support bracket, etc.) I...
  9. N we go again....

    ^ Your post line (or what ever they call it) sums it up. ^ But not for Microsoft. Theirs is something like "If it ain't broke, break it anyway, and then charge people to sorta' fix it again." Windows 8 was a REALLY broken toy. So now we are supposed to be happy that they fixed some of what...
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    Custom Mopar ????

    Thinking about the height issue with the garage door. Assuming the reason you need it open is to be able to run the frame out from under the body. Would it help to just open it say the height of the first section (so you can still get the frame out under the door)? When I pulled the body off...
  11. N

    Custom Mopar ????

    You probably already know this, but another common front suspension "upgrade" is to swap out the front "sway bar" for a beefier one out of a (MoPar) Jeep. As I understand, the idea back then was to get a softer ride on the rougher roads (and probably at slower speeds, for the most part). Now...
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    Custom Mopar ????

    Torchie, your running account of time spent on doing all of that welding is the best cautionary tutorial I have ever seen. I guess that's why you see the random "project in progress" for sale all the time.
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    Custom Mopar ????

    I like that. There are enough toothless '53 DeSotos around already (having sacrificed theirs for some other make). :rolleyes:
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    Wrong way drivers

    I did it myself once, about 2:00 AM in Minneapolis. Had been at a Larry Norman concert with some friends, and we had stopped for something to eat. I was about to pull on through to where I thought I was supposed to go (which was actually the correct lane), but my friends, fooled by having...
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    Just stumbled in to this tech tip

    I never had a fancy helmet, but I would try to get out in the bright sun so I could still see a bit. When did the auto-dark deal first come out, anyway?
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    Hinge repair

    Yes, I should have thought the whole thing through better before I started in on it. Too anxious to get started on it, I guess. Something will work out, but it does look like I'll need to purchase a 5/16" hand reamer yet. Should have ordered one at the same time I got the bigger one (to share...
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    Hinge repair

    Partly because my tendency toward perfectionism got the best of me - I wanted to return to the original pin size. A more practical reason is that I couldn't find bushings with an ID of 11/32", and you are not supposed to ream or mill oilite bushings. (I'm not a machinist, just going by what I...
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    Hinge repair

    How narrow can the tongue be, and still give enough support? I know you can't tell from the photos, but it is already only 1 3/8". My only idea so far is to make (or have someone make) some steel 'bushings' that would have an off-set cut into one side, so that they would fit down into the hole...
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    Hinge repair

    The hinge tongue is the pivot point. The pins are supposed to be stationary in the hinge frame. (At least that's how they were originally.) Check out the thread about hinge repair on the P15-D24 forum. (I didn't start the thread, but have posted pictures of work I've done so far on this.)...
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    Hinge repair

    Thanks Tator. I don't think I explained very well what I need to do. Here are photos of what I'm working with. (I should have put pics up to start with - just took these today.) Some specs: material thickness 1/8" lip height 1/8" Resulting pin contact area 1/4" Lip thickness 3/64" (The...