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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. LarryH

    lets see pics of your "other" cars-rigs-rods

    My '05 GMC daily, '56 more door i'm building into a cruise mobile and my T-Bucket (currently under going an engine transplant) .
  2. LarryH

    What Did Ya Get Done This Weekend?

    Started swapping the 327 into the T-Bucket.
  3. LarryH

    Lifes Journey, How far along are you?

    All of my aunts and uncles lived up into their mid 90's (except for a couple that died from cancer). My mom will be 89 this year. My dad lived to be 84. I'll live however long i live.
  4. LarryH

    hill billy surf rat fink

  5. LarryH

    dumb question

    I like dolphins. They taste just like tuna.
  6. LarryH

    What Did Ya Get Done This Weekend?

    Almost got the 327 for the T-Bucket rebuilt.
  7. LarryH


    You furnishing the hot dogs or do i need to bring my own?
  8. LarryH


    Bitchin'. Can't wait to see the burnout videos.
  9. LarryH

    52 chevy

    I always thought improving braking and steering was more of a safety issue than a luxury item. Charm only goes so far. Especially in mountain driving. Or extremely wet driving. Or city driving. Disc brakes can make the difference between "Damn! That was close" and watching the tow truck haul off...
  10. LarryH

    what is your wildest build ideas?

    Why yes i do. All i need now is a DVD player.
  11. LarryH


    I'd be on that A bone like a dog on a pork chop. Here in the badly tarnished golden state $2,500 would be a down payment.
  12. LarryH

    what is your wildest build ideas?

    We need bodies...and cup holders...and power ports for our cell phones...and protection from the elements...and mosquitoes...
  13. LarryH

    what is your wildest build ideas?

    Looks like a killer build. Lots of good info on there but also a bunch of jerk offs. That's why i never posted much on there when i was into rock crawling. It must be the red neck in me but i've always wanted to build a Fox body Mustang 4x4. And not a pimped out mall crawler but a hard core...
  14. LarryH

    Rat Rascal

    Hmmm....i have an old mobility scooter in my storage shed....if i snag the engine off my son's lawn mower....
  15. LarryH

    Like the phoenix my old truck will rise again.

    Well i did the trade. But the truck is in good hands. It's going to a good friend. He's been trying to trade me out of it since '99. He's going to build it for his wife. She's been a gear head almost ever since she's been big enough walk. She want's to redo it in flat black primer and bag it. I...
  16. LarryH

    My Pictures of H.A.M.B. Drags 2010

    There's lots of closet rat rodders on the HAMB. Not this time. But don't let it happen again or we'll have to do an intervention.
  17. LarryH

    Bad bike wreck..

    Sorry to hear the bad news. Hang in there. She's probably tougher than the doctors give her credit for. ...and shorts...and flip flops... I learned along time ago, always wear good boots and at least a pair of levis and a light jacket.
  18. LarryH

    Rat Rods not welcome at Paso Robles cruise night!

    You got it. Life's to short to worry about it. Just hang around where you're wanted.
  19. LarryH

    Like the phoenix my old truck will rise again.

    First a little history on the truck. It's a '71 lwb that i bought in 1993. It wasn't really what i was looking for at the time but winter was on it's way and the only transportation i had was a VW roadster. Not so good in the rain or fog. I wanted an older truck like a '57 but the engine ran...
  20. LarryH

    out side the box build thread

    Found a couple of videos:! Also some nice early lows here. You just have to kind of skim through it...