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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. 8literbeater

    Baby it's cold outside

    Imagine the horror of waking up to this much snow.
  2. 8literbeater

    Baby it's cold outside

    MY GOODNESS! They predicted up to 11 inches of total snow on the ground! CALL THE NATIONAL GUARD!
  3. 8literbeater

    tunnel ram

    Now you're talkin! You could go with a bigger cam. Usually the heads are what limits the cam, but since you have what sounds like a great set of heads, I think you could cam it up a bit. Or not. Believe it or not, my YouTube feed just suggested this video for me this morning...
  4. 8literbeater

    tunnel ram

    From what I can find, the heads have 76cc chambers. The pistons can be deep dished, shallow dished, flat top with 2 valve reliefs, flat top with 4 valve reliefs, small popup, big popup, and all variations in between... There is more to a piston than...
  5. 8literbeater

    tunnel ram

    The compression ratio, not the compression pressure. The late 70s engines had low compression, like around 8 to 1. Those heads look like low compression heads, but it kinda depends on the pistons you're using. You could possibly have a bad combination, and the compression ratio would be...
  6. 8literbeater

    Saturday morning gatherings

    Whew! That was So-Cal. I need a break from picture sorting. The Sanderson show is next. I'm gonna go ahead and get these two out of the way at the start.
  7. 8literbeater

    Saturday morning gatherings

    (It's an LS engine.)
  8. 8literbeater

    Saturday morning gatherings

    I'm a month behind, but I have some pictures from the So-Cal second Saturday morning meeting, and from the Sanderson Ford rockabilly car show. Both were November 14th. Earthman and I went to So-Cal first, then to the show. I took a lot of pictures. Some might be bad pictures, some are just...
  9. 8literbeater

    Endless BS thread
