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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. DozerII

    Car caricatures

    I'm sure there are artists that do these in the U.S. but Kyle from Garage Ink up here in Saskatchewan is incredible. I had him do one of my 28 Dodge first and to that point it was the most difficult one he ever did because of the color variations. Then we had him do one of the Fargo...
  2. DozerII

    1959 GMC Fleetside

    Hey everyone I figured if I'm back I might as well start on a new build. I think I posted some pictures of this one when I purchased it just over two years ago. Pretty straight with the normal rust except above the windshield and that is real bad. I purchased the repair panels and just picked up...
  3. DozerII

    1927 Tall T coupe

    Hey everyone, this is one of the projects that's been consuming all my retirement time. It came to me for a little bit of metal fabrication work over 3 months ago. A little cash under the table the Gooberment doesn't have to know about. It was supposed to be build a firewall and trans tunnel...
  4. DozerII


    Hey guys, Bob W reached out to me over on Youtube wondering what happened to me. I have been following along but not saying anything, not sure why. Lots of changes in my life. 15 months retired and they have been the busiest of my life. We lost both my parents in the last couple of years, did a...
  5. DozerII

    Line Brothers Pedal Car looks Amazing

    The fellow I did the metal work for, has the pedal car complete. Video short
  6. DozerII

    Retirement Cruise

    Hey everyone, it's really going to happen. Friday morning the wife the pup and I will be climbing in the Dodge and heading out on a 4000 km 20 day cruise in western Canada. I know it's not the full blown Route 66 one we were planning but health issues got in the way. We will be meeting a few of...
  7. DozerII

    What gears should I run

    I need some advice for the 28 Dodge. The Hemi is running great, but makes it's power up a little ways in the rpms. I'm running an rh46 4speed transmission out of a 94 B250 van with stock lockup converter. The diff I'm running is a Ford 9" with posi and 3.00 gears. Tires are 29" tall. Mileage is...
  8. DozerII

    Cars in the Hills

    Some of the cars from Cars in the Hills at Cypress hills park on the 25th of June. Got caught in a wicked rain storm on the way home, one of my biggest fears with the Dodge was the rain leaking in every where shorting out wiring, not worried about that any more.
  9. DozerII

    Garage find

    It's amazing what is still hiding right under our noses. This 51 Shoe box was in a garage on one of the main streets in town. It came up on Facebook and no one wanted it so I had to buy it to flip.
  10. DozerII

    69 Nationals really good watch

    Found this video, thought it was great. The Doc would have too.
  11. DozerII

    Make it Kustom

    One of the best new channels on YouTube. Karl Fisher. His shop is in the lower mainland. Wicked good fabricator and teacher. Here is a link to a short documentary on on him , check out his channel.
  12. DozerII

    Best field find

    Wow it's been a busy summer. This weekend was supposed to be the start of the Hemi swap in my 28 Dodge but on my way home from Swift Current via the back roads last Wednesday I found this awesome 1959 GMC Fleetside pick up. It was last plated in 1972. Normally farm trucks are beat to death up...
  13. DozerII


    Hey Guys an old friend of mine is having a real war with cancer, he keeps winning the battles only for it to return in a new location. He found this speedster body in a barn a few years back and has been slowly putting it together on a real nice model A chassis. The body was put together by...
  14. DozerII

    Shaunavon and Swift Current car shows.

    Both shows were held in beautiful treed parks out of the blazing sun.
  15. DozerII

    Dr Crankinstien

    Hey guys I have been a little worried about the good Doctor. I sent him a text yesterday and he answered me this morning. He's in the hospital with heart problems so we all need to pull for him with thoughts and prayers.
  16. DozerII

    Ford Prefect

    While I was surfing through Facebook market place on my wife's page I found these for sale. Don't really know why they caught my fancy but now they are mine. 1950 Ford Prefects, English made built for Canada with left hand drive. They are the big hp models with a 1.17 liter 10hp engine one spins...
  17. DozerII

    Getting Old isn't for sissies

    "Getting Old isn't for sissies" I'm not sure who coined that phrase on here, I think it was Tripper, but truer words have never been spoken. This is a long very sad story and the reason I have been absent from the site for the past while. On Dec 5 2020 my parents celebrated their 67th wedding...
  18. DozerII

    Happy New Year

    HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone, hoping 2021 is better than the last one.
  19. DozerII

    Coil suggestions

    I running the stock electronic Dodge distributor on the 440, instead of using the crappy Dodge lean burn electronic ignition, I'm using an Accel GM electronic module. I'm having trouble finding out what coil I should run with it, any suggestions?
  20. DozerII

    HELP with spring rates

    So just when you think you are done things that don't seem quite right start to nag the brain. On the 28 Dodge I am running a Mustang II cross member with tubular control arms, rack and pinion and air bags. Because of that huge heavy 440 I am using 2800lb 7.5"dia bags at approx 45psi if I go to...