27 model T build

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Oct 20, 2016
so i'm gonna start this, hopefully I can keep up with it as I do stuff to the car. its slow going right now having a bunch of other stuff goin on as well, but i'm trying. so if its not already obvious, I'm starting a 27 T. its been a dream to build something like this for a long time, would have like it to be a 32, but this is what I came up with.

upon getting it I was super excited to dive right in, and without thinking, I bought a frame, not really thinking I bought a 23 T frame... i'll make it work somehow haha. in an attempt to kinda keep a tradition look to it I bought an I beam 4" drop axle, and a set of wishbones from speedway. got some spring behind mounts for the wishbones. discovered when I bought the front spring, it wasn't long enough... oh well, I measured this time and will be getting the right one soon.. doing this era of car is all new to me, so a lot of its trial and error. but I have a good start bought.

still trying to plan the back, I have a 9" from an old 67 f100, probably not ideal, but its what I got so i'm gonna try to use it unless theres a really good reason not to. I also have a th350 laying around id like to use. still not totally decided on the rear suspension, but i'm thinking about a traverse rear spring, and making my own wishbone stye rear end of some kind, any input would be helpful!

i'm thinking i'll just end up doing a small block chevy due to them being easy and cheap to get around here, plus I have a bunch of parts for one laying around. but i'm always down for input and advise.

there are some panels that need replaced and the car does need a drivers door but as you'll be able to see in the pics its not horrible for sitting in a falling down barn for several decades.

so sorry if this is kinda all over the place, i'm really tired and kinda just putting stuff down as it comes to me. hope you guys enjoy!


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Your phone-booth T coupe looks like a much better start than a lot of us had. Ask, our brother in Florida, if you don't believe me. That driver's door is fixable. He'll tell ya.

The Ford 9-inch is one of the best stock diffs out there. I have a couple tucked away for future projects. They are becoming like gold in many parts of the country. If you are not going over about 400 ponies, something like an S-10 will work just fine. Then again, you have it, and they look great, so why not use it.

Spend some time cruising some of the other builds to get ideas on how to proceed. Traditional to totally off the hook, it's all here.

Have fun with your project. That's the important part.
thanks! my biggest issue I see with the rear end I have is its got the big bolt pattern, which is easily fixable with new axles and a disc setup, I'm just scared of how much axles are gonna run. I keep searching to see if I can find some factory axles that will slide in there, but so far I'm finding a lot of conflicting info especially with truck axles. but like ya said I have it, so why not use it! ive been doing some looking around here, I love looking at other builds, definitely helps me get ideas, its just comes down to me making a final decision haha. I don't plan on this thing being a big highway cruiser, just something to putts around town in and have fun building and maybe learn some stuff on along the way! ive been one to start something, and then get rid of it for next to nothing cause I seen something else. buddies would get really upset with me when id do this, but my dad brought up a really good point, for me all the project have been different and ive learned something new on each one that's either lead into or helped me with something else on the next, so i'm not making a bunch of money when I get rid of them, i'm gaining a bunch of experience and to me that's priceless! and I've had a lot of good guys to help me along the way, my old man being at the top of that list. and ive always appreciated the advice given from guys on these boards over the years.

beat the door out best ya can and drive the heck outta it, look at the doors on my 30ish, they ain't the greatest but fine for rat rod.

Later :cool:
the biggest problem is really the whole bottom part of the door is gone... if it was just dented up, id just beat it out or leave it for what that's worth, but theres nothing at the bottom... I figured at that rate trying to find a 28-29 model a pickup door might be easier.. but that's proved to be tougher then I thought... haha. i'm just not sure how id go about reconstructing the bottom area of the door, ive found door skins, just no lower sections of the door... and i'll certainly take any advice given on that, cause ive done my fair bit of research on that and I could be missing it completely... i'm hoping to have the impala back on the ground in the next few days and the garage rearranged in a way I can get both the T set up and the Camaro in there together, wish me luck!! I need a bigger shop.... :/
Looks like a great start.
There is nothing on that body that isn't fixable. Google Howells for sheet metal replacement panels.
The frame that you bought is designed to be used for a modern T-bucketstyle style of build so some mods are going to be in order.
You can do the transverse spring set up on the rear end but you will need to go with a four bar or hair pin set up of some kind.
Lots of sources for the bracket to use for the transverse set up on a modern rear end.
RPM products is a good source and customer service is exceptional.

Are you going to leave the top full height or are you going to chop it?
[P [P [P :cool:
Wish I had started with that good. By the time I had my cab the way I wanted, I had only about 25% of original tin.
You could deal with that rear with wheel adapters for cheap if bolt pattern bothers you.
Nice start, we'll be following...[cl

Oh for sure! I have found a bunch of the sheet metal parts. I was kinda thinking about with the traverse spring with a version of split wishbone/4 bar suspension setup. I never thought about adapters for the wheels, that would be a quick solution for a while.

Smallfoot: your truck definitely has come a long way!! That's a nice looking truck, do you have a build thread on here?
The F100 9 inch is going to be super wide for that body. Too much IMO, so narrowing and axles will be in order regardless. On a side note, what's wrong with the 5.5" bolt circle? Plenty of options out there, many of which basically define a traditional hot rod...
ive thought about the width issue, which I planned on putting it behind the body to see how it all ends up looking, my only issue is having different bolt patterns front to rear, I did find a big lug pattern brake kit from speedway for the front, but it seemed like it said I was limited on steering arms, though i'm not totally sure what that has to do with any of it... but I figured worst case scenario I can buy a 9" housing with the right axles and lug pattern and just use my center section, i'm sure I could find a car 9" housing pretty reasonable and then get the right axles, or however that ends up playing out. but that's kind of my back up plan anyhow, just trying to build it on somewhat of a budget with parts I have laying around. some stuff will be new but i'll buy used what I can.

thanks for all the advice guys, I do really appreciate it! i'm hoping I can get the impala back on the ground in the next few days and gain some room in the garage to pull it back out and start back up on it again...
and yes torchie, the plan is to eventually chop it a few inches, nothing extreme, just enough to kinda bring it down into proportion with the rest of the body, I always thought the roof line on these were way to tall.... but that's definitely not a priority right now...
Looks like a geat start. As for the bolt patern on the rear axle, you could have a machine shop dill the flanges for the bolt you want to run and that would save money and eliminate the extra width of the spacers.
A 8" rear out of a 60's Mustang or 70's Maverick would be a much better fit width wise. A 70's Granada is only 1" wider, so don't rule those out, either. Either will have the small Ford 5 x4.5" bolt pattern.
The later Explorer/Ranger pickup 8.8 rears are a good choice, too. Probably easier to find than the 8" anymore.
As to rebuilding the door, you could build a framework out of box tubing. You are going to need a steel inner frame on the body anyway unless you plan on replacing the wood with new wood. These bodies were originally framed with hardwood. The sheet metal was then fastened to the wood inner structure.
As to the frame, it would be easy enough to extend the rear with box tubing if you needed to.

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