hey everyone i have a 29 ford a bit of a side project that we are putting together. It has a 5.7l motor and 4 speed . block huggers to clear steering.
What my question is steering coupling to rack and pinion steering to the colum. How have people done this? Is there a generic kit you can buy and adapt to your specific application or do you just make it out of wrecked cars /donor vehicles. The way i have to do it is gouverned by an engineer as it needs to be engineered to be passed for road use in australia. The main stipulation is 10 mm clearnace around steering and it needs to have a steering idler on the chasis. Any advice would be appreciated.
What my question is steering coupling to rack and pinion steering to the colum. How have people done this? Is there a generic kit you can buy and adapt to your specific application or do you just make it out of wrecked cars /donor vehicles. The way i have to do it is gouverned by an engineer as it needs to be engineered to be passed for road use in australia. The main stipulation is 10 mm clearnace around steering and it needs to have a steering idler on the chasis. Any advice would be appreciated.