so i bought a 318 for my rat project i took the intake off and there's a plate on the back side and it had a bunch of hard black chunks of **** in it wat is it and is this normal
Sam has it right, its an exhaust crossover that helps the engine get up to operating temperature faster and the choke uses this heat to operate correctly......its not really essential on a hot rod and most aftermarket intakes do not have them. Its just carbon buildup and if you want you can clean it all out or leave it but if you are using stock choke you need to clean it and ports in the heads out as well.
Nothing out of the ordinary there. As was previously said, junk burnt in the crossover port. Carb cleaner should clean that out. As for the lifter valley, clean out the pieces of gunk, and you should be good. It may have some rings that are a little "loose" allowing more oil than usual to work it's way into the upper part of the motor, but unless you are going to rebuild it I wouldn't worry too much about it.