6 down, 1 to go!

Rat Rods Rule

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It's just a little surface rust!
Jul 3, 2008
Northern Illinois
My youngest daughter graduates on Saturday. That's 6 down and 1 more left! Tonight is the awards ceremony and I know she'll come home with a bunch. I couldn't be more proud of her. She has maintained her averages for the years in the mid to upper 90's. This year her average was 98!!! Obviously she gets that from her mother!!:D..I'm feeling real old right about now!!!..CR:D
I know the feeling although that doesn't stop the $$$ drain by any stretch of the imagination... especially for girls! The old Tripper was always broke till his kids got married. I always called my kids... "the fruit of my pork loin"!!! :D

Thanks guys! Today is the big day for her. Bob, I hope your wrong about the money drain, but deep down I'm probably just in denial!:D. She doesn't know it yet, but her mother got her enrolled in a summer session at a university in Paris, France! I can't wait to see the expression on her face because she's always talking about Europe and hoping to go there some day. Of coarse I'll be broke until I'm around 85 years old, but what the heck I should cut back on my food intake anyway!!!!!....CR

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