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Rat Rods Rule

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Jun 18, 2009
My friend and I are planning on staring a project car soon, I have found a 1929 Mercedes Gazelle ripe for a rat-build. BUT,......no title, I was wondering how this works. Is it a possibility to get it registered? Establish a title? The ease of doing all of this will of course affect whether or not we go with this car. What are the legalities involved in driving a rat-rod on the road in Texas.

First the scary part. Someone STILL OWNS THAT CAR. They may have no interest in it currently, but as far as the State is concerned, they are the legal owner. Problem is, you may go to a bunch of trouble fixing up that car (and lots of money) and one day the legal owner can show up at your door with a Sheriff and a tow truck and leave with "your" car. It has happened, not often, but it has happened.

Now, in the case of some clapped out 29 Ford we find in a field, the chances of the legal owner being around is very slim. But a more recent car like the Gazelle might have been caught up in some bad selling deal, and someone is looking for it. One day you are driving down the road and he sees it and there goes your car.

What I would suggest is take the vin numbers to the State motor department and check out what they can tell you. Someone has that title, or at least they can tell you how to legally register it. We all take some chances when fixing up these old "abandoned" cars, but if you can at least try to get a good title it shows you wanted to do it legally.

Having lived in Texas I would aslo say get it checked out real good before you invest. I found the DMVs to vary greatly. For instance the Tyler DMV was much easier to get along with than the Vanzandt bluehairs but when it came to certifying CDL drivers it was the other way around, in Tyler they would kick my drivers out if the low air warning buzzer came on at 59 instead of 60 and I never had a problem in Vanzandt.
I find it is always best to do a recon mission to the DMV before purchasing and tell them what you are thinking about doing and ask what the procedures are. That way they aren't suspicious if you come in with all your ducks in a row and knowledgeable about what you are trying to accomplish.

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