Yeah, these old vehicles we love, we never really own them, we're just their caretakers for a while. As with all the other stuff we acquire in a lifetime. When we're gone, somebody else will have it to do what they want to with it, trash it or treasure it.
Have you ever went into a store or a restaurant decorated with antique tools and old pics? Every time I do, I can almost see when these things were new, shiny and prized by their new owners. The pics often show family members sitting or standing together, their appearance frozen in time forever to be seen by people years and years later, not knowing who they were, their life story, or anything about them. Much the same as in the story, these things were somebodies pride and joy at one time, now just relics from the past.
And if you're lucky, when your gone somebody will carve your name on a rock and put it over your head. And if you're not, the end result is still the same, nobody will remember you in several years, but with that carved rock somebody might know where you are....