Well-known member
Last night my Son Dan pulled an all nighter, working on his Fox Mustang. He kept hearing a faint meow but thought it was Mama Cat, the stray we feed every night. Finally, he went to check and under our blast cabinet was a little black kitten. She was skin and bones and was so weak she didn't even try to run when he picked her up.
She is living in our shop office and is eating and drinking like mad. I have NO idea where she came from, we have only one female cat who comes to eat every night, and we trapped and had her fixed, so this kitten isn't hers.
My other Son, Don is considering taking her in as a companion for the one he has now.........hope he does.
Tonight Dan and I spent some time with her and she loves attention and head bumps you when you are petting her.
She is living in our shop office and is eating and drinking like mad. I have NO idea where she came from, we have only one female cat who comes to eat every night, and we trapped and had her fixed, so this kitten isn't hers.
Tonight Dan and I spent some time with her and she loves attention and head bumps you when you are petting her.