I think he lost about 1/3 of his total herd. He does have insurance according to the article but the insurance companys are all dragging their feet, trying to find a way to weasel out. Sounds like Richard was going to have to lawyer up to have any hope of getting the scoundrels to pay. It's a cause of death thing. Most of the cows appear to have drowned. But some vets say the lungs will have fluid after death anyway.
What made this storm unique is that none of the ranchers had moved out of the summer pastures yet so the cows weren't in the winter sheltered areas. Plus they hadn't weaned so the calf died, plus the calf that was in the cow. And insurance doesn't pay for calves anyway. So they lost this years calf, the cow, and next years calf.
I imsagine before it's over the Stock Growers or some other big organization will have to push the state government to make some sort of declaration the insurance companys will legally have to abide by. It's going to be all the coffee shop talk for a long time I imagine.