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Rat Rods Rule

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I wish I had thought of cutting them off a couple of days sooner, Kenny. The remaining questions are; can I find any more dowels, and how do I get the sawed off pieces out of the bellhousing? Well, I'm here to tell you, ---- it's a piece of cake. I walked out to my cold shed with a hammer, punch and trouble light, and whacked out a dowel from an old wide-block 318. Then, back in the shop, I shone the trouble light in the bellhousing and discovered why I couldn't drive the dowels further into the bellhousing. The hole is reduced in size and is threaded. I grabbed a three-eighths bolt, screwed it in the threads and pushed out the dowel, then went to the other side and screwed it out too.

I cleaned up and sandblasted the bellhousing and replaced one bushing for the clutch actuating cross shaft.

I tried to fit the new bellhousing in the tractor, and it is an inch too narrow to have the bolt holes line up. Rats.
