ahotrod is now a celebrity!!

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
May 11, 2007
fort myers florida
Congratulations Glenn on having your car in the latest Old Skool Rodz magazine. I think that is only the beginning for your super nice sedan. For those who haven't seen it in person, it is really something special.........and I know it has special meaning for Glenn and his family. :):):)



We were lucky enough to get to meet and chat with Glenn a little at Billetproof. Probably one of the nicest guys you will ever meet, and he has a very cool rod there. :D:D

Green stuff?

We were lucky enough to get to meet and chat with Glenn a little at Billetproof. Probably one of the nicest guys you will ever meet, and he has a very cool rod there. :D:D

Very nice car but what is that green stuff on the body? :D

Many Thanks Don :)
I'm honored, and excited, as I have not seen the November issue since I do not have a subscription.
A couple of my fellow "Poor Boy" brothers have the issue, so I may see it this weekend.

Thanks for the kinds words fella's, it means allot to myself and my family.
My 25 year old son Cody picked the color, and the car was painted and 95% finished when he lost his life in January. He was a BIG help in the shop, and we miss him OH so much.

Hug your wife and kids, you hear me?
You have built a great rod and the color is awsome! You deserve the recognition you are getting. And, I truely respect the strength with which you have handled your family tragedy.

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