Am i the only one left thats not using Paypal?

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Nov 7, 2008
Upstate NY
Who here uses paypal? I know it makes life easier, but how safe is it really?

Im a bit weary about giving up my personal bank info online. I've been burned on Da'bay before. Twice actually. The first time i had $2000 taken out of my bank account, and the second time it was $15k. Luckily my bank didnt hold me to it. This was because of a scam out of the UK, they sent me an email that appeared to be from ebay saying they wanted to update my information.
I prefer it!

Yep... I prefer it! I use a long intricate password & change it monthly. It keeps you from having to give u're credit card number out to who knows who?!?! I just had someone rip my cash card number but luckily my bank caught it right away & canceled it :eek:

a bank acount with little to no cash for paypal works to limit the thiefs but for me NO paypal because they will not handle guns or anything to deal with them.
Ya any emails that you get from ebay send them along to [email protected] then they will let you know if its legit. You can always sign into you ebay account and if in your messages its not there then you know its a scam. Never sign into anything from your email, always go directly to the site. There are tons of scams out there that have pages looking just like the site you use.

I have used paypal for years. I have a checking account set up for it with no attachments to any other accounts. My bank knows that i put money into there only if I am buying something. if anything were to come through without the cash in there thaey just dont approve it and let me know. I have purchased hundreds of things off of ebay and used paypal every time.
Heck I have bought a few motorcycles and cars off of ebay.

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