A *real* tin magnet
I took in a big farm auction yesterday, lots of "stuff". Well the scrappers and junkyard owners were paying top dollar so I didn't get much. I did buy a 1953 Rollohome trailer house, another lot with a 30-31 A truck radiator and grille shell, a bent up Ford script tailgate. Then from one of the scrappers I got 3 oliver grilles, hood and gadtank and an Offy dual port intake and headers for a 300 Ford six. Plus I might still get the finned valve covers and headers from a 56 olds. And I met a guy with 3 old Chevy coupes. He wasn't sure but thought one was a 28, maybe a 32-33. One is a rumble seat. Well I gave him my number but lost track of him before I got his, so I'll have to see if he calls.