Blown away

Rat Rods Rule

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This is going to take a while, I have about 60 pictures.
To begin the story we are met by 2 very cordial ND bachelors. As soon as we got the AA and the 35 unloaded, the tour began. And first I need to also say I have never seen 2 filthier or smelly humans in my life. Without exaggerating, they ahd probably had the same clothes on for months, greasy slick front and back and top to bottom.

They are hoarders, don't own any everyday things that many of us would. They shovel snow 1/4 mile long drive because the money they could spend on a skidsteer or snow plow would buy more cars. They don't own anything decent to drive. The ratty 76 Ford F350 is thier best drive and they paid $400 for it.

It gets better, or weirder. Brea out the popcorn and don't change that dial.

BTW, there was probably another 50 cars outsice that I didn't get pictures of, 57 chevys, fleetlines ect. but we didn't have time to walk back there, and God only knows what was down over the hill where there was a bunch more.

The first door they slide open, a stunning 34 Caddy V12.

At first I thought it was garbage, every building had crap piled up around the cars floor to ceiling but upon closer inspection it was just auction junk and lots of 80s and 90s action figures. They would drag stuff out of the way so we could get back in to other cars but some sheds had so much crap we couldn't get too far in. Somewhere in the back of one of the buildings were 2 29 Phaetons I couldn't even see the tops of.

There were so many nice Packards, Caddys, Lesalles ect. in those sheds that I couldn't even get to to take pictures of. Dozens of them not shown because the rubbish was stacked in around them. Lots of cars they paid $60,000+, brought them home and stuck them in buildings. Keep in mind these guys inherited 10 sections of prime ND wheat land.
Many buildings we never got to. They started collecting antique clocks and one big barn is stacked floor to ceiling with them. Another barn has over 1000 hit and miss stationary engines. Once they bought a semi load of DVDs and put them in a granary with a paddle elevator and filled it and part of another one. Then the toy thing gets weirder. At some point they bought 10,000 molds for those molded plastic toys that came in sets.
OK, now it gets really weird. The one brother wants to show us a 37 Packard hearse that is at their deceased mothers house in town.

That would be this one.

The smell of cat urine about knocked you back when you stepped into this garage but now ol Freddy is starting to yammer about these toys, mold figures ect. and takes us into the house. This is the good house where company might stay.

Turns out ol Freddy is (and probably his brother too) are rabid Xena the warrior princess groupies and go to all the conventions (same as trekkies). He has every lifesize character from the movies which all seem to be females and all their costumes. (but seems to prefer some of them without costumes,lol. He has huge signed poasters and I guess pictures of him taken with certain actresses. I have to wonder if they bathed before they went.

I wasn't supposed to take a picture of this, kinda the icing on the cake. He kinda laughed and said they were playing around.

the end
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Wow ... Just wow...

I feel like u might be lucky to have left in one piece...

Lots of cool stuff but ... Wow
A couple other things I didn't mention. The run down farm house had about a semi load of cat food cans in the yard and piled up against the house where they threw them out the windows and there was plastic bottles and trash every where you walked.
This would make a helluva hoarders reality show, it's way beyond anything I have ever seen on any tv show. I'd love to see the pickers film a show here,lol.
I could still smell their BO hours later when we got to the motel, it was burned into my nostrils.
Truth is stranger than fiction. You really fell into it this time. I've run into batchelor brothers that smelled bad, but none of them had millions of dollars. Simply amazing.
OK, I just spent an hour and a half of my life getting this post and all the pictures to you. I don't ever want to take any guff again because I forgot to bring my camera,lol.

No guff and thanks for the tour! ( I could have done without the fornicating mannequins, however.)

I feel like u might be lucky to have left in one piece...

Agreed. Looks like the makings of a horror film. :eek:

I could still smell their BO hours later when we got to the motel, it was burned into my nostrils.

Lynyrd Skynyrd.

Foolishness and disorders aside, an amazing collection of cars and some I've never seen or recognize. Thanks again for the tour!


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