BobW's Personal Record

Rat Rods Rule

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Fascinated by rolling objects!
Jul 8, 2007
Rimrock AZ
Hoboy! This is actually my 1,000th post. I've only been here since the first of the year, when a couple RRR members PM'd me on the H--B site and told be there was a kinder, gentler Hot Rod site filled with good people. To the guys that told me about RRR, I am very grateful. I seldom post at that other site anymore, and you poor folks have to bear the brunt of my overactive keyboard.
Well I sure am glad you decided to check out RRR Bob W. I enjoy your posts, cars, your monthly toons, advice, tech, and so on. There's people that won't even come to, or admit coming to this site because they think rat rod is some type of cuss word and can't be spoken or typed. I'm glad you saw it differently.
BobW is one of those guys who you look forward to seeing what he has to say every time he posts. Good Job Bob!

( I see Earthman cleared a 1000 also!, and DMW56. 2 other guys who have a valued opinion)

Thanks guys!
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