Tool kit came in Monday, but didn't do me any good.
Darn Schrader valve broke off, no way to get it out.
Even if I got it out, the threads would have probably been toast in the aluminum junction block, so had to order a new junction block. Another $200.
Put that bad boy on today, vacuumed the system for an hour or more, it leaked, changed the charge hose on my gauge set to a short one I had in a drawer, vacuumed it down again, still leaked, took off the high pressure charge hose and vacuumed it again, no leak this time. My gauge set is no telling how old, and the hoses have started crumbling at the fittings, time for a new set. No telling how many AC units I've serviced with this set, I knew last year it was on it's last legs, was hoping to use it a few more times, but it's done.
Just hope the system doesn't leak. All new seals everywhere I broke a connection, so hope I'm ok.
Also put in a couple of on-off-on momentary contact switches, one for the starter and one for the train horn. Starter one I just hooked up one side, it's a backup to bypass the clutch safety switch that is about impossible to replace. Horn switch I hooked up both sides, so I can blow it by pushing up or down on the switch, if I want to blow, pause, then blow again I can push it up, then push it down, it is spring loaded off to the center. Lots easier than the toggle switch I had on it, no way to bump this one on and it stay on.
After all that, I gave the old girl a much needed bath. Now I'm so dang tired and stiff I can't hardly move. These old joints and muscles don't get worked out as much as they need to anymore, I sit on my butt driving too much, LOL.
Maybe next weekend I won't have to work on the truck and can do some fun stuff again!