That frame in the video seemed to have plenty of travel. It would be interesting to do something similar on the front.
Torchman, Tesla is my all time hero. He was a true inventor. His creations were original, not improvements or adaptations of someone else's work like Edison and Marconi did. As you mentioned his inventions were completely worked out in his mind's eye before the pencil hit the paper. I met Margaret Cheney a biographer of Tesla. She had some amazing insight regarding Tesla.
That would be way cool
There was a guy on Coast to Coast am one night hawking his book. i was driving and didn'y get his name. My attention was grabbed near the END of the interview when he remarked he had learned Tesla's native language and studied his writings in (lithuania? slovakia?)
At first he wasn't even talking about Tesla dammit!
What I heard out of the AM static was this..."I read a letter from Tesla to *^&*^&*^ (Einstein?) In the letter he argues that gravity does not bend light around a heavenly body and that gravity is not an energy or a field but is an effect of something else we are not attributing the effect of gravity to.... (static) blah blah blah (more static)... "
There is more but in essence what I got from it was that Tesla did not believe gravity was a force-field or energy. he also did not believe that space was curved by gravity. According to this Tesla believed that the speed of light was variable through different density of space and that light was not bent by gravity but impeded by space to follow the path of least impedance.
You might think path of least resistance as I did but note this: resistance and impedance are not exactly the same. In some of the world energy meets resistence or impedence (commonly used interchangeably) and some of that energy is lost in another form from the conflict such as electricity creating heat or light when it meets a resistor.
Where Tesla used Impedance I think he meant space impedes light in such a way as there is no loss of energy. Don't look at it as energy from the motion of light bleeding off in other forms think of this... at the root level of everything some mysterious relationship where space(darkness) and light oppose each other. space impedes ight, light moves space, but neither ever mix...and there is no loss of energy as the energy moves from light to space and back to light.
if this is true it means that light is not accelerated by anything. it means that the speed of light is infinite.... well not exactly...
I should say instantaneous. the speed of light = now
This is in fact a finite value therefore when light is accelerated to the point at which it moves instantly then it's speed cannot be held to be infinite.
It is claimed Tesla was able to calculate the center of the cosmos. I believe tesla
did so by observing the flow of space and light.
This thing I heard it brought together several points I needed to make to complete a new model of Physics which is neither quantum physics nor is it field physics. It's just a model.... a new perspective. it doesn't [prove other theories right or wrong nor does it claim to be how things really are itself. it's simply a different perspective.
I call it differential modelling
In math they use differential calculus to pit one equation against another to unlock the relationship between all the variables.
In differential modelling I will be presenting a conflicting world view that has it's own math and can be overlaid on conventional physics to point to undiscovered secrets.
Imagine what you could accomplish with a physics model that eliminates time and gravity from the equation. it would not support time travel...but it would support instantaneous travel to anywhere. It would also support being able to counter or oppose the "force of gravity"
It also offers a scientific explanation for no end to the universe.
Conventional beliefs hold that it will continue to accelerate into oblivion or it will slow and collapse back in on it's own gravity.
i have a model explaining scientifically how the universe can accelerate at a finite speed and never cease to exist... go on forever just as it is... or even accelerate until light fills space and energy travels instantly which would be what the mystics refer to as ascension or the way things are where God lives. This would require space to diminish to nothingness and I believe it to be impossible for us here in this cosmos to accelerate to a god like existence because space still impedes light and as long as there is space standing in the way of light there will be a time of passing for everything to occur at it's appointed speed.
Personally I believe under these circumstances the universe will expand forever light and space both expanding into the void and never cool or diminish because the ratio of light to space will not change. ...much like the Audible illusion of a musical note that seems to rise in pitch yet never changes in frequency