I always thought that after our kids were grown, and we have no grandkids' that Christmas would just be a nice mellow time of no stress. I was very wrong. Buying gifts and dealing with crazy people, I agree that it is good being behind us. Jim
We have had a couple days with light snow where it was all melted away by the end of the day, and we have had a few days where the high temps have been in the upper 20s, but those have only lasted for a stretch of a few days in a row.
That said, we have had enough winter for me already this winter. I don't much like really hot either. Just call me a wimp.
We don't do presents for the adults anymore at my folks or hers. Grandson got plenty everywhere though. Just the hassel and hurry wore me out, I was already starting to feel a little peaked. We carried the Grandson back to the facility he's living at currently on Tuesday last week, by Wednesday I was really dragging, since then I've been pretty much out of it as has my wife. She went to DR last Wednesday, went back on Saturday, I just toughed it out with Nyquil and Dayquil and a few of her pills. She tested no Covid or flu, but whatever this is will drain you. No fever, but ache all over like flu, terrible cough. Feel probably the best today that I have in a week, so hopefully on the downhill side of it.