I read this morning that GM is not going to renew 1,100 dealerships. They will be closing them down.
Plus Chrysler's shutting 1,900 dealerships - 1/4 of 'em.
Tripper, you asked a kinda 'political' question...
In this thread I've read the below quotes and several opinions along the same lines.
"...the local businesses it will effect..."
"...kick in the teeth to all the mechanics/bodymen/sales staff/clean-up guys..."
"...not going to be good for the consumers..."
I don't disagree, but somebody's got to pay the bill.
The facts are, the economy is in contraction and the amount of accumulated debt created previously is too large for the current economy to handle. That debt must be brought down to levels in-line with what the system can handle before a true recovery can come about. Companies, unions, individuals, and the government have all over leveraged their borrowing. Our whole economy has been going gangbusters for years on borrowed money.
Time to pay up. Well, a little, it's a big bill. And guess who is paying right now? GM, Chrysler, and all the people that are now getting burned by these dealerships closing. I'm sure a lot of these Joe's that are going to be unemployed didn't have any debt beyond their means, but they are now going to pay for those that did. GM and Chrysler filing bankruptcy didn't wipe the debt away, it just shifted it off their books onto someone elses.
I'm gonna go into rant mode if I keep going....