Motor mouth ratchet jaw!
the one thing i am going to miss about ABQ is the demented music the local church bell puts out on sunday.
at first it will start with what you think will be the normal humdrum sunday stuff.
or it will dong the time or such
but then it mutates into something that you almost recognize as some song from the 80s or something and then it mutates further into just chaotic clanging.
whoever is at the wheel of that bell is a freakin evil genius.
it just destabilizes you just enough to make you have a weird day[S
at first it will start with what you think will be the normal humdrum sunday stuff.
or it will dong the time or such
but then it mutates into something that you almost recognize as some song from the 80s or something and then it mutates further into just chaotic clanging.
whoever is at the wheel of that bell is a freakin evil genius.
it just destabilizes you just enough to make you have a weird day[S