Clear Resin casting?

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2012
Berry, Alabama
Anybody have any experience with clear resin casting? How hard is it, how would the resin hold up in outdoor conditions? I have a picture of a Lincoln crest emblem that fits on the front of my car, the actual emblems are hard to come by and usually in bad shape, yet are bringing high prices due to the rareness of them. I would like to take a copy of that picture and enclose it in some kind of resin in a mold shaped like the emblem, and put a mounting stud in the rear of it. I figure I could make a plug out of some plastic or wood, then make my mold out of play dough or something like that, pour it say 1/4 full, let dry, then place my pic on it, then pour the remainder. Then I know I would have to polish it smooth with a fine abrasive like jeweler's rouge.

Anybody ever tried this, and how did it turn out? And what kind of resin would I need to get, and where to get it?
There is a resin called Art Resin and another Ice Resin. I've seen them used on slab wood with a picture in/under the resin and made into a clock. You'll have to check out the resin type, some of them will yellow quite a bit as they age. The ones for pictures seem to remain clear.
I used to make clocks like that years ago, I got the resin from WalMart back then, but haven't been able to find it in a long time. I don't know how it would hold up to sunlight, that's my biggest concern. I'll try Hobby Lobby next time I get by one. Thanks for the suggestion!

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