Clueless and optimistic, about to get in over my head

Rat Rods Rule

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New member
Dec 12, 2009
Could someone talk me out of this, please?

I have limited mechanical skills and zero welding knowledge. I have a very limited budget and very limited time. I do have a decent garage and various relatives and colleagues who are either supportive or could be bribed to help out with things, including a welder and a car painter.

And I want to build a hot rod. Actually, I'm itching to, really badly. Something really simple. Big engine, simple body, no chrome and finery. A rude, crude, socially unacceptable, 1920s racer type deal.

So. Please talk me out of this, before I get in over my head.

Well, either that, or tell me where to start. :D
I was originally thinking I'd learn the basics of welding and start out by making a frame, and then adding parts, but perhaps it would make more sense to find the parts and build a frame to fit.

(Squarely counting on you guys to tell me what an excellent idea this is, obviously.)


O.K. DONT DO IT YOU ARE WORTHLESS AND WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO BUILD ANYTHING WITH NO MONEY OR SKILL [P. Now if you go into it with the mind set that you want to learn and it will cost you some $$$ every now and then you should be fine just never put a completion date in front of you just take your time.
might as well do it , you could always buy one , but that takes all the fun out of it.It will always seem like someone else's car . You can do it ! Your wife will change her mind OR leave you --- pick your poison LOL
DMW means "Learn to weld.... just not on your frame."

Since you are going to do this anyway the first thing is to turn the wife around.

The second thing is read as many of the build threads here as you can stand. Then see how the majority of the guys here have done what you are about to.

Third thing? Ask lots questions all the time.
Welcome Magnus. We all started some where. You have the garage or i would tell you to wait until you did :) Sketch out what it is you want to build. Then go find the best doner car that suits your needs and the bigger the pile of misc. parts behind your garage the better. :D The more tools the better.
If you can acquire a welder and take a welding class that would be excellant. If not, start being nice to the guys you know that can help you. :D
Mock all the acquired parts up in the middle of the garage floor and then take an assessment of where to go from there. Take pix and keep us up to date.:cool:
I agree with Bonehead about turning the wife around. Take her to shows where she can see it's an opportunity to make friends with other couples and improve your social life. This is what she will understand. When you buds come over to help have them bring their wives. :)
I agree with Bonehead about turning the wife around. Take her to shows where she can see it's an opportunity to make friends with other couples and improve your social life. This is what she will understand. When you buds come over to help have them bring their wives. :)

take that advice to heart and your life will be a lot better --- BELIEVE IT
wanna do it, do it
wanna learn how?
then learn how, i mean, i may be worthless too, but c'mon there's gotta be something we can do hahaha

at least i think we can :D
"Wanting" a hot rod and BUILDING one are worlds apart. I won't sugar coat it like some - with limited knowledge and if you have never owned or worked on an old car then a ground-up build is definitely NOT for you. It is a lot of time, way more money and even more know-how. For starters I would suggest taking some classes at your local career center or community college. Most offer some sort of basic welding and automotive courses. Learn a few things about what you are dreaming about before you start. If you are into it then find yourself an older running vehicle and cut your teeth there. Work on it. Do some simple body mods. Figure out if this is for you, because chances are high that you may not dig it at all or you are simply in over your head with time, effort and money. If it works out it will do worlds of good for both your experience and your confidence if you can have something on the road, because I can tell you from lots of experience that ground-up builds get downright discouraging at times. I am sure anyone who has done one will agree if they are being honest. Fun absolutely, but they can be a struggle for even the most experienced of builders. So THEN if everything goes as planned, then build yourself that hotrod. I am sure you will be even happer with it if YOU do the lion's share of the work than relying on friends, relatives or anyone else to do it for you.

Just my $.02 [;)
If you are into it then find yourself an older running vehicle and cut your teeth there. Work on it. Do some simple body mods. Figure out if this is for you, because chances are high that you may not dig it at all or you are simply in over your head with time, effort and money. If it works out it will do worlds of good for both your experience and your confidence if you can have something on the road, because I can tell you from lots of experience that ground-up builds get downright discouraging at times. I am sure anyone who has done one will agree if they are being honest. Fun absolutely, but they can be a struggle for even the most experienced of builders.

once again some sound words there, Devil
to the one who's wife says no....
we don't want to be too discouraging, but there is alot to consider when building from the ground 1st one is a 10- yes that's 10- year project
piddling on it when i had time&money but i had 8 yrs autobody experience when i started so many things that need to be RIGHT--frame, suspension, BRAKES......even w/experience i had i learned alot on my 1st one...learning some one my second......
can it be done possibly....but i STRONGLY recommend you buy something that is complete and learn on it before a ground up build.......
Limited skills and limited budget.

If you have a lot of skills, you can build almost any part or component. If you have a lot of money, you can buy anything you'll need. But if you can't build it and don't have any money, it almost impossible to scratch build a rod.

Asking a friend for 40 hours (minimum), to build or modify a frame is not a reasonable request for any friendship, unless you're willing to pay. Welding, cutting and grinding consumables alone are pretty spendy.

First learn to weld, Mig is good enough. Second buy a good 220 Volt MIG welder. Third you need grinders, chop saw, a torch will help, a cherry picker, somewhere to put your engine and tranny while you work on it, jack stands, jack and on and on. Don't even consider shiny paint or even flat paint.


Like they already said, you could find someone else's abandoned project or even finished project and save a lot of time and $$$ while you build up your tool collection and your skills.
First off everyone has offered some good advice.. That being said here's my .02 First off GET the wife on your side it will make the project and your life so much easier and enjoyable! Trust me I've been married twice did it wrong the first time around and learned from my mistakes :D I think since your new to this finding an abandoned project is definitely the way to go or a old car or truck that's complete and get it running then modify it as you drive it! My first ground up project took me 6 years to finish and I was close to selling it many times, it's very easy to get discouraged on long projects like that. So if you had one that you could hop in and take out for a cruz or to a show and just do small things to it as you go while you build your mechanical knowledge. I'm not trying to discourage you cause I think you should do it! I think everyone should build at least one car in there life! Just remember we're here to help in any way we can and there's allot of smart guys on here that can answer any question you might have! And let us know what you decide.
Sorry man I'm with Blue Eyed Devil on this one. Having an itching to do something is great, but we're talking a whole car here, not just some model kit you glue together. Learning to weld is a good first step, maybe look for a night school program to learn, that way if you hate it you haven't committed to buying a welder and/or put in a 220 circuit for said welder. Know ANYTHING about cars? Lets say you get through welding and read enough on here to actually be able to fabricate what you need. And you manage to somehow get the wife on your side, I appreciate what some guys are saying about getting the wife on they're side but does this realistically apply to YOUR wife? Is she one that just loves to hang out with other women or is she jealous and doesn't want them around?
Is she willing to let you take up the garage for 5-10 years to get the project done and she's cool with your gonna spend a lot of time out there working on it? Look man I ain't trying to talk you out of this, I'm just trying to be real and make you understand what your taking on so you won't be one of those SELLING a project that didn't get finished that everyone tells you, you should be looking to buy. Before you fabricate a hot rod, you might want to find you a little car with a v8 and soup it up a bit and get your feet wet on something that way instead of building something that'll take forever to scratch your itch and you may will die in if you haven't learned enough. Rant off, sorry just trying to be real. If you still are gung-ho then welcome aboard and may God have mercy on your soul.


Rev. D.

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