deep thoughts

Rat Rods Rule

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Motor mouth ratchet jaw!
Nov 15, 2009
helifino USA
In this scary and uncertain age of terrorism, many people have been expressing the desire to go back to "better times" when America didn't worry about the Taliban, hijacked airplanes, Anthrax, or Michael Jackson. A large number of people hail the mid 1950's as the "glory days" of the United States, a time when the populace was only concerned with trivial things such as what flavor ice cream to choose at the local malt shop, who to ask to the highschool prom, how to repress those bothersome negroes, and ways to shield your eyes when an atom bomb fell on your head
in these uncertain times, one must think of others' viewpoints
and always remember that a crowded elevator smells different to a midget.
Capturesch.PNGwalking to and from school up hill both ways .. no shoes ... just in case you ever wondered how that could be possible :D
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i was born in 1961 and was always told the 50's were a simpler time, and i believe the 60's was a simpler time. but if you look back in the news there was terrorism then too. we had mass murders, bombers and serial killers, so it wasn't as simple as we remember.
i was born in 1961 and was always told the 50's were a simpler time, and i believe the 60's was a simpler time. but if you look back in the news there was terrorism then too. we had mass murders, bombers and serial killers, so it wasn't as simple as we remember.

it wasn't much different. it's just that news and information didn't travel as fast or as far as it does now.
I think so too kenny c. I have no clue on what happen back then , but the reasons we know every detail about things now is the media . I believe they say too much , we do need to know things but not put thugs in the spot light for days at a time .. (making celebrities out of the ) JMO
Hey Billy

I agree totally....I always thought that the post war years from 1945 until 1963 when Kennedy was killed...from what I have read seemed to be a really really good time to live...Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy...real men for sure..

But then as you said the Atom bomb and the McCarthism and all that was pretty messed up too...

In retrospective tho...It looks really cool, compared to the world we are living in now....

Thanks for bringing it up....

There has never been a "perfect" decade in history, but MikeC kinda called it for me as to what was a great time in my own life. I was born in 45 and grew up in the 50's and 60's. Things were very simple up until Nov 22, 1963, the day Kennedy was killed, then things got very screwy.......VietNam, race riots, protesters at home, etc.

I rarely fantasize but I would love to go back to the 50s'. We knew our neighbors, kids could trust adults and play outside without fear of being kidnapped, everyone was working, the economy was strong and people were buying homes and cars like there was no tomorrow.

I guess if you were black or a woman things were not so hot for you, especially in some parts of the country, but in the North, where I grew up, we didn't seem to have those issues so much.

Nope, beam be up Scotty, I would go back in a heartbeat. [cl

I grew up during the late 50's and 60's. The 60's were a turbulent time...riots, protests, ect. I agree with Don about no decade being perfect, but still I wouldn't trade my growing up time with anything![cl

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