delivery nightmares......but i got my lincoln continental

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2009
well first i had to get it shipped to me, which wasn't all to bad, but then when the guy went to pick it up i was informed it had no brakes what so ever other then being a manual transmission of course, but the guy still shipped it for me for the same price. When it got here is when the fun all started, we found a guy with a fork lift to help ease the car back down off the trailer which was an all right idea, but as we got the car own to the ramps at the end of the trailer, the forklift jerked and pulled the front tire off an away from the ramps. So i got out of the Lincoln to discover that i was now body hung on the end of the trailer..... but the forklift was able to pick the front end back up and realigned me on the trailer. So the we chock the tires an decide to just let the car roll down the ramp on its own, so we use the forklift to hold the car back and remove the wheel chocks, we tell the forklift to high tale it out of the way when he leaves..... he int listen an instead rammed one of his forks into my front fender. amazingly only dented the front fender an missed everything else. so at this point we just let the forklift go and just pushed the Lincoln off of the trailer. then spent about 30 minutes trying to push it up onto a car dolly trailer an proceeded to tow it home the rest of the way.
I don't blame any of this on the vehicle shipper, only the dumb forklift driver.
Well at least you have possession of your Lincoln. Too bad about the damage though. The 46-48 Lincolns are among my favorite body styles.

When I bought my I Chevelle I had it shipped by a nationally known company who of course jobbed it out to a smaller hauler. They damaged my hood & the slimebags refused to pay. I HATE shipping cars now & have always gone to get them myself after that wonderful experience. A dented fender... count u're self lucky. Ck this lil ding. The car originally had a 4 1/2" outlaw cowl hood... I changed it to a 2". Paint was the most expensive part & it still makes me mad just thinkin' about it so I won't post how much it set the old Tripper back! The driver acted like he didn't notice... I was... expletive deleted!!! :mad::mad::mad:



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