Detroit Guy

Rat Rods Rule

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New member
Feb 25, 2010
Detroit Area
Hey Guys....Just introducing myself to the forum members as a newbe here....Been interested in rat rods for smoe time. Haven't built one yet, but getting ready to clear out the shop and start a new project. Looking for some good info and tips and this seems to be the place to get it. I have been more into cycles than anything for as long as I can remember and love working on Shovels...I'm a senior member at a Shovel site and feel like i'm cheating, but need some good info on rods so.......:D Look forward to talking with you and asking questions...


Welcome to RRR , there are tons of info here . All you have to do is look or ask , someone will know the answer. Glad to have you !
Welcome to the site. What are you thinking of building?

I'm thinking something along these lines, '29 Ford Fordor or Panel side. Need a long enough body to accomodate 2 jump seats for the kids, as I plan to make it a spring, summer, fall daily driver. Prolly run a 289 w/ Offy D/Q intake for the mill and back it with a t-5 for highway speeds. Although a buddy has a Desoto Hemi with factory Isky cam that sure would work nice! with all my projects i've started, they rarely turn out like planned. I love middle of the road changes...



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