DMW56 ..BANNED from KIB..?

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Nov 15, 2008
LOL....ok..its not funny..but it is...And I thought I was the only one getting banned from these sites:eek:...MAN,they hated me on Ruffrodders...and the H.A.M.B and on...ok
Yeah, I was a bad boy! Got tired of their new moderator making up the rules as he went, banning everyone else, deleting posts whenever he felt like it. He kept threatening to ban me so I told him how i really felt!:eek:

Who needs them. I like it much better over here!:D

KB denied me when I tried to join before I found the triple R. They would not even give me an explanation! This is the place to be.
I was banned from :D Actually, I ASKED them to ban me because of "differing opinions" between me and their Mod. Felt good to storm out like that. :D:D I figure you aren't living right if you haven't been banned from one forum or another. :cool:


HEY!!! I just noticed that "rusty rat rodder" handle under my name! Bad enough Gastrick has me wearing a leather crash helmet, now Bob has me all rusted up! lol
Ya know, Dons the one that got me to come over to this site. We were both about to get banned back around election time over at KB, when he told me that he was sick of the crap goin on over there and reccommended this site to me.

Sure glad he did too! Theres never any real drama around here till i decide to start a "stir the pot" thread. We need a little ruckus every now and then.

I just cant believe it took this long for him to get banned. lol.
i like this fourum the best, if you go one kb you will see that atleast 2 threads a day are locked. I deleted myself off the other fourums now i just go here and clubhotrod
Hoodlums, thugs, hellraisers, and mostly just plain trash occupy KB these days. I tore up my KB t-shirt, used it as a rag and threw it away over two tears ago now. I've never looked back. Well, maybe once or twice to eye a picture or two. The fact is - this is where I belong. I have absolutely no need of those freaks.


I'm not sure if I was banned or not. I asked what I should do about advertising my business. TINPECKER-HEAD said become a sponsor or else no free advertising. So I asked him how much a sponsorship was and what exactly came with it because I couldn't find anything about it in the "become a sponsor" section. Next thing I know I can't log in. So I guess this is "home" now. It's to bad, I know Harry personally--good helpful person. Sorry for the rant. I'm gonna go hammer on some metal and see if that will relax me:) By the way DMW56---sweet truck.

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