Dodged the bullet !

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
May 11, 2007
fort myers florida
Today I had jury duty and was on the first call for the first trial, but they took 6 other people and rejected the rest of us ! [cl[cl[cl

Yeah, I know it is your civic duty and all that, but jury duty is a major pain in the butt. I was on a 3 day trial a few years ago and they don't pay you anything. Today as we were leaving I was talking to a girl who was also rejected and she said she was on one trial that lasted 2 months and another one that lasted 3 weeks !! :eek::eek:

I feel like I have just gotten out of prison, now I don't have to worry for another year. Sorry, I might not be a solid citizen, but man, am I happy ! [cl[cl:D:D
(Plus, it is my day off !)

Got selected once but the trial only lasted a few hours. Guy set fire to his clothes in the middle of his apartment. During a mental health exam they asked him the difference between an apple & a banana. He said... "one floats & one sinks". Not really sure that's true but it was obvious he was not right... so... off the loony bin he went! Can only imagine how that went!!!

I've been called twice, got out of it both times because I'm self employed. Didn't even have to show up, just called them and told them I was self employed and was out of state most of the time, they told me not to worry about it.
Ah, just go in there and when they ask the first question, yell "kill em all, let God sort em out" usually will get ya out of there heheh!
No, seriously tho, it is supposed to be a community responsibility. I don't like it any better than the next guy. I think I was over 60 before I got my first summons and then started getting them I need to be "entertained" in my later years or something. I go over there, long drive, wait at least half the day before getting released if not picked for a jury. Then ya get whopping check for 15 bucks...didn't even pay for my gas one way....please make it real or take me off the list.

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