DUDES... this really makes me mad!!! Crashin' a '59 Chev!

Rat Rods Rule

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That test was to bias....or should I say stupid....who knows they could have taken parts off of the 59...I still don't think a 2009 would withstand a crash like that and the dummy only getting a knee injury. That's just bull...:mad:

I think they should do that test again and use real people from the insurance co. that 2009 and a f-in TANK.
cant see the video at work but all i had to read was "59" and "crash" and i was ****ed! well i wouldnt be as ****ed if it was a 59 ford! he he he
man this website is very sensitve as far as language, do we have -18 members on here?? we cant say ****ed but ford is ok?? in my book ford is just as bad as ****
Big Money, Mentally Challenged!!

Totaling the '59' rates right up there with that clown Jessie James smashing the Anglia. He did a lot of back paddling from the flack he received, wonder if the insurance guys will realize they screwed up if we hollar loud enough? :mad: Sniper
Totaling the '59' rates right up there with that clown Jessie James smashing the Anglia. He did a lot of back paddling from the flack he received, wonder if the insurance guys will realize they screwed up if we hollar loud enough? :mad: Sniper

You might not want to yell too loud, they may raise your rates...

Truelly ashame, if they wanted to do a test on an older Chevy to prove how thier previous products have been crap use a Cavalier, or a Cobalt, or a Corrsica or any number of the sardine can crap cars they have made in the past 15 years... not what appears to be a very clean 50 year old car.
I saw this on my Bronco site. Notice, and look closely and pay attention, the rust dust that falls out from under this car in this perfectly clean no wind room. And also notice that there is no motor in that big 59. With as bad as it crumpled, if it had a motor, then it wouldve went through the dash. Plus you never see a passenger side shot like you do with the other car, so no telling what that side looked like.
I saw this on my Bronco site. Notice, and look closely and pay attention, the rust dust that falls out from under this car in this perfectly clean no wind room. And also notice that there is no motor in that big 59. With as bad as it crumpled, if it had a motor, then it wouldve went through the dash. Plus you never see a passenger side shot like you do with the other car, so no telling what that side looked like.

Thats waht I was thinking too! I know an old 59 would plow right through one of these new tupperware cars. What a waste for nothing!!
Look at the response videos. One has other footage from inside, behind, and a couple different angles. Another is an individual explaining why the 59 was brutalized so badly - most of it is because of the X-fame.
That is such bull!
Bet that this is not good stuff for our hobby?Just somthing else for them to though in or faces about the cluncer law junk.:mad:
Almost threw up when I watched that. Almost spilled my beer, too. I agree with Grump; I wonder if someone from the insurance industry would step up and take the place of that crash test dummy in the '09 to prove their point. I work on mostly late-model cars for a living ( auto glass installations ) and true, crumple zones/safety cages has come a ways, but the A-posts on most late model stuff is not overly thick. I wouldn't want to see this test re-done using equivilant vehicles ( don't want to see another '59 Chevy go to waste ) but I doubt an '09 Whatever could stand up that well against 1959 US Steel as shown in that clip. Hoax ? Propoganda ? Hmm, ..... I remember seeing the result of a collision between a '58 Impala and some '80's belly-button car; trust me, I would rather have been in the '58 Chev. He lived.

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