Emulsion tubes Stromberg 97

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2008
Northshore, Lake Pontchatrain
So the question is, to clean or not to clean.

Should I just buy new?

Anyone have experience with this.

I have them out and they are filthy, was wondering why my secondary wasn't flowing.

I have them soaking but so far they are not complying with my desires.

What would you do???????
Not sure what your soaking them in but Berrymans or laquer thinner will cut just about anything.
So I soaked them in several different solutions with no luck, and I soaked them for days.

Today I was in the kitchen and got thinking about a penny, you know, if you soak a penny in vinegar it gets nice and shiny.

So, although they are not copper, brass, I got the wifes white vinegar out and soaked them for about 15 minutes.

They came out as shiny as brass can be. Little wire brushing and a pipe cleaner for the inside, good as new. Saved me 70 bucks.


However, I lost on one of my carbs. Somebody stripped the power valve threads and decided to JB weld the valve in. Crap, now I have to find a new throttle body. Can't helicoil this one, too many passages will be blocked.

And so now you know why I was only running one carb! The other was a POS.

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