Engine Paint

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Jul 25, 2008
Palos Heights, ILLINOIS
I am getting close to being ready to paint the old 351W in the Booger. I did a search on engine paint here and didnt find much on what product everyone has used. I am on a budget and would like to do the paint myself. I plan on keeping the Booger a long time and want it done right.

What products work well?
Should I shoot it with a hvlp gun or a brush type paint?
Special primer to use?

Never painted a motor before.
Thanks in advance for the help!
Just paint it like you would the body of a car. Clean and degrease it several times, scuff it with a 3M Scotchbrite pad, and degrease again. Then use epoxy primer, and top coat with whatever paint you like. You can use single stage paint or base coat clear coat.

Everybody thinks it will burn off, it won't. The only engines that have any problem are ones like Olds, where the exhaust ports extend out from the head.....it will discolor there from heat, but so will engine enamel.

The key to getting it to stick is the epoxy primer. We've done a bunch of engines this way and the color lasts for years.


donsrods, Like most folks when it comes time to paint a motor I always reached for a rattle can of "Engine Paint" I didn't think anything else would last. But now --- If that copper colored small block in that picture is an example of your painting, I bow down to the man. That is beyond cool!!! Thanks for posting the picture.


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