English Sunshine

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Fascinated by rolling objects!
Jul 8, 2007
Rimrock AZ
Posted by Paul Y on the NSRA British board

Well, that was quite the day wasn't it...


Was in two minds as to the Goodwood event today but, as my recurring nightmare once again woke me at 3am, decided to give it a go especially as it was warm and dry in deepest darkest Essex as I pulled open the doors to the garage.

Off to a great start, traffic really light, well it would be at 6.30am wouldn't it!, made even better by not having to pay on the Dartford crossing as I am 'tax exempt'.

Car was really going well, the little fettling I had done on the previous day had cured the driveline vibration and even the random song selection on the iPod was delivering the goods...

And then it started to rain.....

Just passed Gatwick and the first spots on the windscreen, nothing too drastic, but enough for me to regret not bringing a waterproof jacket.

Rain got steadily heavier until I got to Horsham when the heavens just opened.

Now, as most people will tell you, I am not averse to driving my car in the rain. To be quite honest its a good job really as most of the events I attend would be better suited to Noah's run around than my old bus.

Reached down to turn on the old Windsreen wipers and....... Nothing.....

Not a ****ie bird....

Could just about see if I kept to over 50 but drop down from that and would be better with a oujio board.

Decided to keep going as I was not far from my old muckers house in Pulborough and could execute repairs there.

Cue, first moment of the day! Coming down into Pulborough hit some heavy standing water and was reminded about the wet weather capability of 15" wide Mickey T's....

Once I had managed to extract 3 ft of leather T & R from my sphincter I kept to a steady 20mph for the remainder of the journey much to the annoyance of the Sunday drivers behind me... Oh well...

Once at Marks managed to get the wipers going and headed off to Goodwood and a well earned cooked breakfast.

Been a bit quite so must be time for the second 'moment of the day'. On a straight bit of road a silver Focus decides to overtake me. Fine by me as I am doing 40mph and watching for standing water (see moment 1). Car gets alongside me and then starts to swerve across the road before braking heavily and disappearing into the ditch just behind me!

Needless to say we did our good Samaritan deed of the day and left the bloke
to deal with his moment in solitude...

By now it is like Day1 of the flood as we pull into Goodwood and are directed to park on the main straight just outside the pits. Good job too as it is at this time that the drivers side wiper arm decides to ditch the blade... Oh well lets fix that over breakfast....

Really enjoyed looking at the cars of the brave soles who had ventured out, pleased to report that there were more Tri Chevies than anything else, well maybe the PU boys gave us a run for our money but it was close...

Fixed the wipers, again and decided to head home as my jeans were now so wet they were not like a second skin. they were my skin.

Didnt really see many people there, apart from Dave as I left and a few other soggy faces who were more interested in their Tea, and who can blame them?

Missed the Rev Billy and the Photo opp outside the Earls Court mock up but did bounce the motor off the chip a few times going through the tunnel as we exited. Good Times! and was appreciated by the guy waving me goodbye.

Decided to go a different way back to drop Mark home and, let me check my watch, yes time for 'Moment Three!!!!'

Driving on the duel carriage way traffic behind and next too me as I stared into the gloom at all of 20mph when I saw the 'Lake'.... not an awful lot to do really but hang on....

The water come over the roof of the car, and when it cleared I was heading for the ditch and a rather expensive day out. Now I could tell you all that by my driving prowess I averted disaster but in truth I just hung on and let it sort itself out...The result was we bumped up the verge but kept going, stopped at the next layby to inspect the damage and glad to report it was just a case of a spot of mud and that was that. Phew!

Got back to Pulborough to drop Mark off just as the wiper blade parted company again so a quick cup of Tea and another repair using mans best friend... Duct tape.

Left Pulborough at 11.30 and headed off home. Still in the pouring rain.

As I went passed Gatwick the rain stopped and the Sun started to shine, things were looking up!

On to the M25 and all good until I hit the back of the traffic queue at J6. Rolled along at 10mph for a mile or so and then the engine starts to miss and pop...Bollox... did this once before on the way to the Ace and thought it was down to fuel purculation.

Revved the motor to 3k in the hope it would clear but to no avail... coasted onto the hard shoulder to wait for the fuel to cool down....

5 Minutes turned the key and off we go again...

A mile further down the road same thing again...

Pulled over waited for 5 minutes turned the key and off we go. Again.

A mile further.... You get the picture...

Bored with this so decided to actually open the bonnet the next time and have a poke around to see what the problem was.

And a good job I did....

There was fuel everywhere!

Only had my trusty roll of duct tape and a screwdriver so proceeded to bang the float chambers to see if it was a jammed float.

Seemed to cure the problem, as all was OK until I reached the Dartford Crossing. Miserable old Git told me I had to pay (boo Hiss) so left the booth in a haze of tyre smoke. Just cleared the barrier when the engine died, so had to take the exit reserved for the tankers.

Popped the hood to sort it out again when the crossing Nazi appeared and told me to move the car.

I would if I can get it started I told him.

Well if you cant start it I will push it out of the way...

Thankfully it fired as he pulled up behind me to start pushing and I crossed everything that I would get through the tunnel before it packed up again.

I would like to apologise to all of those stuck in the traffic jam caused by me getting half way through before stopping....

Banged the floats before the crossing guy turned up to push me out and thankfully fired up again.

By keeping the speed up to over 60mph managed to get home with much popping and banging to have the final 'moment of the day'

Literally 2 miles from home when some idiot pulled across in front of me with out indicating, locked up everything and slid past him with probably less than an inch to spare....

Those pants have now been relegated to the bin....

So, finally got home after about a 4 hour drive having had one of the best days out I have had in a long long time, really enjoyed the day, now just have to work out what the fuel problem is and fix the wipers before I venture out yet again.

Soooo.... How was your day!

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