Good choices for the new tools you bought. You will be able to do a lot of work with those. Every time we buy a new tool we say "how did we ever live without this one before?" The right tools make the job so much easier and turns out more professional results.
We were just talking about this the other night. The big parts to build a car are one thing, but the hidden costs are what kill you. Stuff like tools and the consumables like sandpaper, tape, bolts, nuts, etc. Every time we go to the hardware store we end up with a little bag that runs between $30 and $100.....and it isn't a very big bag. I just bought the paint and primer to do my engine and suspension and it came to $ 388.00!
One thing I would suggest to anyone just starting out, buy the best tools you can afford. They are an investment that you will probably have the rest of your life. I still buy some stuff at Harbor Freight, but you have to pick and choose.