Firing Order Mag #3 is in da can!

Rat Rods Rule

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Older and more rusted every day!
RRR Supportor
May 10, 2007
Central Tejas
Yep... the mag is in the can & the hard copies should be here 2 Fridays from now & will go out to subscribers that same day. The new cover shot is by our own Mike Rogers. Mike has 2 articles in this months mag that are awesome... u're gonna dig 'um! Congrats Mike... u did a kikkin' job!!!

Mr. Tripper

Have to admit that I've once again neglected to send the $$$. Your not alone BI. Is it possible to get ahold of the back issues?

I'm getting out the checkbook right now! Addressing the envelope to!

Thanks, Wrecks
Now if I can only keep my mailman from jamming it into our mailbox with 200 flyers and junkmail that I accumulate every day ! :mad: It's amazing how much stuff I get that goes right into the garbage can.

Looking forward to seeing the new issue, Tripper. :D


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