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A *real* tin magnet
Dec 10, 2007
Black Hills South Dakota

I have never heard this said as simply or as well. Class war at its best.

The folks who are getting the free stuff don't like the folks who are paying for the free stuff,

because the folks who are paying for the free stuff can no longer afford to pay for both the free stuff and their own stuff.

And, the folks who are paying for the free stuff want the free stuff to stop.

And the folks who are getting the free stuff want even more free stuff on top of the free stuff they are already getting!

Now... the people who are forcing the people who pay for the free stuff have told the people who are RECEIVING the free stuff that the people who are PAYING for the free stuff are being mean, prejudiced, and racist.

So... the people who are GETTING the free stuff have been convinced they need to hate the people who are paying for the free stuff by the people who are forcing some people to pay for their free stuff

and giving them the free stuff in the first place.

We have let the free stuff giving go on for so long that there are now more people getting free stuff than paying for the free stuff.

Now understand this. All great democracies have committed financial suicide somewhere between 200 and 250 years after being founded. The reason?

The voters figured out they could vote themselves money from the treasury by electing

people who promised to give them money from the treasury in exchange for electing them.
I wonder why people are just now noticing this, I've been preaching for over a decad that we are facing a total social economic collaspe in the near future.
best pick

Now all the republican candidates are nice guys same as you and me right. lets get that out in the air I'm not hating I'm being technical in my analysis

George bush senior...the original inside job.
head of CIA... rumored to have been involved in JFK affair, bay of pigs invasion staged from his ship and drilling rig...wanted to be president... got beat out in the republican primaries by the Kennedy loving libertarian RR who once was your grandfathers small business democrat.. RR begins libertarian small government administration, gets shot by a guy with George bush's cia office phone number in his address book next to GB's CIA operative name "Poppa" said Manchurian candidate deemed mentally unstable and put on medication
RR then realizes big government wont let him do what he wants to do so he does the only thing he thinks he can use big government to do...go after communism and bust unions (I'm in a union, I supported RR and I think unions needed cleaning up, carpenters have cleaned up now the others need to)
RR assists John Paul and the band Accept in getting the balls to the wall... the push that toppled the communism the communist subjects were trying themselves to reform.
We all sang and danced, the wall came down, perestroika, a free Russia, we thought all the neo con assault on liberty in America under the guise of fighting communism would reverse and freedom be restored here as well and the constitution once more the peoples law over the government not the other way around it has become.
while we were looking at the dawn of a bright new age we couldn't see so good cuz we had been wearing our sunglasses at night and the neo con big business military industrial complex found new soviets to excuse further assault on the constitution.
CIA sponsored Alquaida lit hot burning jihad wars in former soviet states with significant Muslim populations and pushed for Islamic statehood.
the hard liners who grew up communist did the only thing a good soviet knew how to do and killed all the Muslims they could find. Bill Clinton trying to escape the trail of adultery, murders, and drug trafficking leading from Arkansas to the white house wagged the dog and us troops bombed the former soviet Christians into the stone age so the stone age Muslims could hate Christians and take over their lands freely under the rock of Mohammad, the original Jim Jones.

Ross Perot and the American people defeated
Harry Browne and the American people defeated

The Democrat party dominated by the red diaper doper babies go full weirdo all the way to the left

George Bush Jr- neo con big government big business liberal translates into your father's democrat. He says I'm not running, then the party says we need you and he says gosh I don't want to be president but since y'all need me so bad I guess I can save you

Al gore, inventing the Internet, global warming, lock box, blah blah blah

Florida LOL

George bush (who I like but he makes me bang my head) somehow gets a job no one would hire him for and he doesn't do too bad at it until he figures out how to actually run the country and start changing things...then it gets all ****ed up in the last 4 years and he does everything possible to insure no republican gets elected. You see true libertarian conservatives were beginning to make headway in republican waters against the neo cons.

republican primaries... Electors from districts choosing Ron Paul as the nominee for that district are barred from state and national conventions.
Diebold voting machines hacked.

Neo cons controlling republican party select and appoint "endorsed"electors to vote for you in place of your own chosen electors who were going to vote Ron Paul.

John Mcain..old glue horse.
no republican is going to win in this election (by design, thanks junior) so they let him run out of seniority like Bob Dole.
They call him a leader. truth is a leader finds out what you want and shows you how to get it.
The guy that makes you do something you don't want to do is a boss.
Military leadership is bossmanship. all respect to the military and why it has to be that way in the military to protect us and your fighting brothers....
But a boss doesn't lead, and this is very very important to knowing if you have a boss or a leader and what a boss will do to you...

he "imposes the agenda of his superiors upon his subordinates"

Obama, don't hate the guy. You asked for him. wanted all democrats and you got them. the reason Bill Clinton was such a great president is because both houses were controlled by conservatives. Obama isn't a dirtbag he just believes different things i do but i think he's led an average life morally. not that there isn't a blue dress just that he doesn't have a bunch of dead friends pointing fingers at him and is open and honest about his socialism.

Rick Perry.... implement George bush procedure...
Texan... I don't wanna be president...okay if you need me so bad...another neocon, not who RR would want to see leading the party.

The republican primaries on Ron Paul was Operation Florida on Manbearpig redux. Old glue horse contradicts himself on everything stands for everythign (or nothing) the people spit him out like luke warm water and Obama gets in...

so where we at this election?
here are your choices

Mitt Romney. nice guy, neo con establishmentarian throw out the constitution to save the world from blah blah blah like Tina Fey.
Businessmen don't change the system... they change operations to succeed best in the existing system.

Herman Cain. Another businessman and good person. very bright like Mitt Romney.
Don't think 999 is a great idea. if anyone is going to change the system I want to see it put back on the reservation not given MORE power.
We don't need a new tax sugared up with low rates to make it easy to swallow before it begins to grow and rip from our bellies and take over the ship.
remember the government is like a credit card company not a mortgage bank. they can and will change your rates at any opportunity they can.

If you like the status quo of the country sliding off into the fascism of state capitalism vote Romney and or Cain. if they can't advance the neo con agenda they will at least keep the country running.

If you think the system is fine and believe government in on the reservation but needs to be steered back to the neo con plan for America vote any of the others.
But if you think the government needs to be trimmed not by lowering the rates but by cutting up the credit cards and getting rid of the money holes, by cleaning out the financially corrupt while taking care of the truly needy.
If you think we need sound money, freedom to use whatever money we prefer, big corpo government off our backs and out of our homes and schools.
if you think the tax structure should be fair and equal and not privilege the publicly traded corporations our leaders and government programs own portions of over the single private businessman or the private corporation or family business...
If you believe in legalizing freedom and c'mon were not talking about legalizing and promoting drugs.
Vote Ron Paul

While RP is pro life this election is not about abortion
It is not about legalizing drugs. these are not the issues
The Issue is stopping progressive liberalism and the neo con agenda ( 2 opposite sides of the same wooden nickel) by dismantling their machine and throwing a wrench into the sheeple control grid.
part 2 why we fight

The first form of government and political party invented democratically when 2 guys probably got together to rape one guys wife or take his food for the winter.
The original Liberal progressives.

The second form of government formed was when the guy regained consciousness and found his wife with a belly full of someone else's kids he's have to feed and raise and all his hard earned wealth gone.
So he gets together with a couple other guys and they figure hey this protecting ourselves thing works pretty good.
The original conservatives.
Just enough government to protect what they had without any government before the 2 rapist burglars got together.
True libertarians
It's why conservatives have usually been victimized in the past physically mentally or financially. They went through adversity and found the way. they came back with arrows in their ass saying look people I've found the way to freedom and success.
some follow but the green horns always fall for the flash in the pan liberal progressives

then some other rapist burglars figured out hey this protection thing that's been stopping us...we can use it. so they became the first Neo-cons. New conservatives.
Same old libertarian conservatives haven't changed. I wonder who neo cons are?
let me see...1984... old speak... memory hole...right speak...wrong speak...
the problem with being bad is God gave everyone a conscience to listen to or ignore.
Some people (very few) are happy being bad.
Most bad people have issues with themselves their heart isn't in it all the time and eventually they show up late to work or screw up which means...they get caught.
And most other people don't like what they do so they tend to hide a lot in dark shadows, secret societies and exclusive clubs
I get it
Neo cons
Half hearted Burglar rapists that don't really want to hurt you but want to make your life better with them in it lording over you and respected for enjoying taking advantage so they can feel good not just when they are stealing and raping but when they have to look in the mirror or get to sleep at night.

At least a honest to god bad assed burglar rapist is honest about what he wants. You know what he's there for

American law as it was founded is entirely incompatible with the law of the rest of the world.

Since the first evil genius burglar rapists saw the first libertarian conservatives get together and kick burglar rapist ass, True republican libertarian conservative government got pushed aside.
Since then the world order has been this and it's very simple to understand how I say it.

In the rest of the world all the way back to the ancient foundations of government...

Something was not dead, not buried.
The original liberty given man by his creator is still in us. We know what we enjoyed before the burglar rapists took control. Our DNA remembers the forst true government....Just enough to protect what we had before any government...

It has been waiting for thousands of years to be reborn and in this land Americans who were 2nd and 3rd generations native to this land broke ties with time immemorial and reclaimed their true liberty and re instituted true government.
Yes evil men did evil things in this government and in their civilian lives protected by the government.
Yes the founding fathers were not Indians but white men.
But the white men who came here, there children were born here and raised in the spirit of this land.
Their flesh is of this soil and their blood is of these waters
They learned Indian ways and brought Indian and white man ways together to create the greatest nation on this earth.

But the burglar rapists are always there
Waiting for a chance to slip in the door and make any house their home, eat any meal prepared for another and lay with any mans wife and employ the children as their own raising them against their fathers.

This is what is and will always be. Know it or die in ignorance under the boot.

Where American law as founded is incompatible with the law throughout the rest of the world...

In the rest of the world: Law protects government and rules over the people

In America: Law protects the people and rules over the government

Americans are free people citizens and alien alike under the protection of law, Our representatives and civil servants are under the rule of law

World people are not free. they are subjects to their government. their leaders are under protection of aw to do what they will and the people are under the rule of law to do only as allowed.

This is why America may get along with, go to war with, ignore or lead the world but never be an equal state in a world government unless one of 2 things occurs.

1) The world is changed. You can't make them free they Have to want to be free

2) You obsolete the foundational liberty of our ancestors restored here and turn our constitution upside down on our heads and reverse the protection and rule of law as it applied to the people and to government.

When we vote we are not just voting for ourselves
We are not just voting for our children
We are voting for humanity
We are respecting our creator
And we are the voice of our ancestors respecting all they have lived and died for since Cain slew Able

There are always going to be uncle toms among us, lesser men and fools. let them have the rest of the world to look up to. Lets at least keep this a place for free people to be free and never forget that's who we are and why we are here, and not there.
there's a lot of inuendo buried in my rant.
I especially like the part about being blinded by the light of a bright new day because we had been wearing our sunglasses at night (Cory Heart... pop culture, the 80's...) all in good fun

It's a draft. I didn't get to do anything but a quick once over spellcheck got called into work

All that dirt out there on people and the conspiracy theories...what good is it? folks say you cant prove it and what would get done about it if you could. I came up with a pretty good answer to that.
Stop thinking of trying to prove conspiracies. I enjoy them as a warning of what could have happened so you know where not to step.

That way you can keep your shoes as clean as Vince Foster.[cl
It was more of a humorous post, didn't really intend for it to start any soapbox debate.
I wasn't debating or hoping my socks up on an old soap box.
I'm pretty sure I gave them all a hard time.


I just reminded me of a song I wrote long ago

The Hobo went down to Georgia he was looking for some booze the steal
He was in a bind cuz he was outta wine
He was willing to make a deal
Just then the Hobo saw a young bum on the corner and begging it hot
So he hops his socks up on an old milk box and says boy lemmie tell you what
I'll bet you didn't know it but I'm a homeless transient too
hey you there I'll bet my shaggy hair I can drink more wine than you
The boy said My name John, And Sam and bill and gary and drew
I'll take your bet and your gonna regret you tried me when your through.

Hobo moisten up your lips and down that bottle hard
This homeless kid is crazy and he don't know who he are
if you win you get his golden corner over there (points to liquor store)
But if you lost the nutjob gets your hair...

(Musical bottle braking sounds in place of fiddle dual)

The Hobo bowed his head because he knew that he's been beat
And he gargle up tater salad chunks on the ground at crazy's feet.

The boy said y'all come on back if you ever wanna try again
How do you do? have I met you? How bout a drink there freind?
Willowbillly....see what ya did....??

You got the Tman back up on da soapbox......Seriously...lots of good points...hate to think of what our kids will have to go thru if it continues....that's the sad part...:(
...stepping away from the soapbox... initiate stealth phase ..silent running all stop....

.... Ping


chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug *chug*

Konovalov- take me to periscope depth lets have a look [P

... Aye captain
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...hate to think of what our kids will have to go thru if it continues....that's the sad part...:(

It takes roughly 10 years for any administrative changes in our government to effect the economy full circle.
When the elitist world bankers got bailed out during Bush's last 2 years and Obamas first2...
The government and banking elites (through the federal reserve) increased the money supply at least 20%
Bush's tarp deal accounted for about half of that.
I called it out back then before the election that we would not start seeing inflation until after at least Obama's first year. I said what would happen is the bankers would take the money and buy out the competition tranfering the bad paper to the books of the purchased entity and moving the good paper to their books letting the purchased entity fail.
Then after exhausting the financial institutions the feeding frenzy would turn to gobbling up fortune 500 stocks, then as stock prices rose they would return to commodities driving gold silver, then food and energy prices sky high.
I didn't for see the health insurance fiasco which accelerated the coming of the inflation...wait it's not here yet.

the thing is that these huge tranfer's of wealth are driven by groups of institutional investors that have to park their wealth in some media.
Cash depreciates and every time they increase the money supply you will see institutional investors getting out of currency. these pools of influence are massive and controlled by a tight group or common culture of fund managers. money moves like a heard and these guys have figured out how the work the heard like the coyote and the wolf.
Whatever you see or hear being hels up as the next big thing... It's pretty much done growing and the powers that be are stimulating public interest to keep prices up while they move out of that hedge.
So back to the cycle...
the top players move their money into the next thing they think will grow...
meanwhile this makes it harder for the littler guys to get by so they raise their take on anyone effected by them... right on down the heirarchy it goes until the consumer begins to see price increases. after some time consumers get fed up and demand more money... on up the heirarchy it goes until the inflation created by the powers that be returns to bite them.
When the consumer is paying more for staples there's no inflation there are just record profits.
But when the things big business buys, most especially the labor starts to go up in price...then and only then will you hear politicians saying yup it's inflation alright.
10 year cycle
5 years down
5 years back to the top
watch the laws and how they are being enforced and what laws are being created or obsoleted and you will predict what will happen to the economy 5-10 years in advance.

As far as my life is concerned I've been fairly accurate within a year of coming changes...the ones related to my life... not every thing happening in the world just what's connected to me.
watch the institutions.. todays big opportunity has already happened. they are selling out of what they are pumping and moving into something that has been laying on the floor for 2-5 years and just hadn't died. tomorrows big hot opportunity is either something newly created or something that was in bad shape 5-7 years ago. solid stuff that was hurting 10 years ago is already back on it's way up because that's where they have their money parked
World wide man....

After reading all this...I've figured out it's "fiddle duel" not "fiddle dual".

Everybody, every country are feeling the pain.....civil unrest...frustration and lack of confidence in any government is building.....not a good thing....'s come you ain't rich?? Seems like you're more into this forcasting than most.......or...are you rich and hiding it away?????]S's come you ain't rich??

I ams rich.
My garage is bigger than my house. who cares if its a 2 bedroom bungalow on a 45 by 135 lot lol

takes money to make money
Watching patterns hasn't made me rich but it has kept me working enough to get by due to switching trades to stay busy as the economy "does that thing that it do"

best way to put it is I'm beating the house...
...on the $5 table...whoopie doo lol
bout all you can do is tread water and hope the tide doesn't come in!!!

No worries, we're rat rodders. We make rusty cars out of junk and think they're the coolest thing on the planet. Talk about optimistic.... :p If the tide comes in, think of all the good junk it might wash ashore!
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