Older, Wiser and Still Buildin'
My grandson lives about 45 miles away from we don't get to spend as much time as I'd like together....The grandson and I were working on his S-10 a few weeks ago and since Gpa's knee was acting up I had him get into the eng bay and take the cut off wheel on the 4 1/2 angle grinder to cut out the old cobbled up motor mounts....he looked at me like i handed him a snake.....Now the kid takes auto shop in High school..{S[S..says "I don't think I've ever used one of these"..
..I said what?...the grinder or the cut off wheel?? he says the Grinder....(what the heck are they doing in the "auto shop class") I quickly took it out of his hands, got the ladder and swapped places....I "demonstrated" how to turn it on....and how to use it by cutting off the left side he gets back in the eng bay, puts on the eye protection and asks for some gloves....I get him some Mechanics gloves and he can't get the grinder to stay on....I show him again how the switch works to stay on....(Now I'm getting worried)....he starts to hit the old welds with the cut off wheel and you'd think he was electrocuted the way he jumped back when the sparks hit his gloves.....I tenderly took the grinder out of his hands, had him exit the engine bay and took him over to a pile of scrap metal.... he spend the next hour practicing cutting metal in a vise...then I got him another angle grinder with the flap disc and showed him how smooth out some welds....he spent another hour doing that....while doing that, he accidently hit the flap disc against the gloves and burned a hole thru it scuffing his finger taking off the first layer of'd thought he cut his finger off....he's 17 years old and was whinning and asking for bandaids..
..I have some peroxide in the cabinet and we poured some over the scrap....he screamed like a girl...[S..after that he wanted to go in the house to eat and we never went back to the's coming down again next week to work on it .....says he's practiced at the skill center at school and thinks he has the "technique" down.... We'll see.....Lord....I gotta spend more time with him....