Gas prices whoa!!!

Rat Rods Rule

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Older and more rusted every day!
RRR Supportor
May 10, 2007
Central Tejas
I feel lucky because gas prices here in Texas have been hovering around $3 for regular, I filled up today for $2.99 but... my cousin from California dropped by last week on his way home from Galveston & said gas prices in LA where he lives are $6.00-$6.50 for reg... HOLY COW BATMAN!!! :eek::eek::eek:

We are 5+ for gas and more for diesel. Once again slowly creeping them up so we don't be notice
The distributors here always keep us above the national average. They keep a list of excuses to give the news reporters. Years ago they even claimed there was a pipeline break far out in the desert causing a shortage. Napolitano, the governor at the time got a helicopter and went to examine it. The next day the shortage was over.
...just be glad you don`t live here and enjoy you big blocks... ;)
Yesterday all local "Sheetz" stations offered gas for 1.776 any fuel :eek:
Very ....very long lines :D I was lucky and only had to wait 15 mins.
Reminded me of 1973-74... haven't heard if they sold out yet...:rolleyes:
Not sure off hand what our regular is at, but I'm paying almost $5 gal. for 90 octane with no alcohol.
Not sure off hand what our regular is at, but I'm paying almost $5 gal. for 90 octane with no alcohol.

90 proof non eth the other day was 4.69 near the interstate, a mile west at same interstate 89 was 4.10. Seem to be getting better mileage and performance so worth it I guess.

Regular here is down to 3.09 at some places
Our lovely governor is talking about adding the outrageous road tax we have to off road ( red ) diesel. He's trying to make up for the loss of revenue they are seeing from all the non gas burning electric cars. Hmmmm, I saw this comig
In the little berg in the north west corner of IL, our 87 octane swill has been hoovering around $3.79 a gallon since about mid May. We get a few stations that drop a few cents a gallon every few days, but about every 2 weeks, someone jerks their chain and everyone is back at $3.79.

You can travel 30-40 miles in nearly any direction and save 20 to 50 cents a gallon. 20 miles north puts you in WI, and 60 miles west puts you in Iowa. Either of those states drop the cost another 20 cents per gallon.

Last summer, IL added 19 cents per gallon tax on gas that went into effect in Jan this year. Enough people raised enough stink, they rolled the gas tax back, and they rolled the tax on food back to only 1%. All those tax reliefs went away July 1st.

I'm going into WI tomorrow, I'll fill up the truck there and save around 60 cents a gallon over the local price.
In the little berg in the north west corner of IL, our 87 octane swill has been hoovering around $3.79 a gallon since about mid May. We get a few stations that drop a few cents a gallon every few days, but about every 2 weeks, someone jerks their chain and everyone is back at $3.79.

You can travel 30-40 miles in nearly any direction and save 20 to 50 cents a gallon. 20 miles north puts you in WI, and 60 miles west puts you in Iowa. Either of those states drop the cost another 20 cents per gallon.

Last summer, IL added 19 cents per gallon tax on gas that went into effect in Jan this year. Enough people raised enough stink, they rolled the gas tax back, and they rolled the tax on food back to only 1%. All those tax reliefs went away July 1st.

I'm going into WI tomorrow, I'll fill up the truck there and save around 60 cents a gallon over the local price.

Wow, we added .40¢ last year on our gas tax if I remember right!!! It was ridiculous!!! But we can't even elect new leadership let alone reverse a gas tax!! It's all a joke.
Minni had a big budget surplus. First thought was to return it to the tax payers. Then the Gov. decided to return most of it to the tax payers. Now, they decided to return a pittance to the tax payers and put the rest into woke programs where the fraudsters can easily steal it.
$3.50/gal. A buck and a half too high. USA should be energy independent.

I've calmed down now...
Minni had a big budget surplus. First thought was to return it to the tax payers. Then the Gov. decided to return most of it to the tax payers. Now, they decided to return a pittance to the tax payers and put the rest into woke programs where the fraudsters can easily steal it.
$3.50/gal. A buck and a half too high. USA should be energy independent.

I've calmed down now...

I'd love to join you in the shops box but I'm not sure I can climb back down!:D

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