google spider

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Rev Tex Devlle

He's workin' 4 da Lord, in a '46 Ford!
Sep 14, 2008
oneonta alabama
well good evening or what ever time it is when you read this,, i have a few question,, maybe somone could answer,, , well its like this you know how it goes,, you come on line ya hit up the threads you are most interested in,, then ya hit the new post,, after seeing that you read everthing ya probly going to read,, you decide to check out what everyone else is doing,, well ya go to the bottom on the page that show ya the meber online and hit the current activity,, and it pops up and you see so and so here and so and so there, and you a reading, this,, and then you notice:confused:, theres someone on named google spider,, hahahahah!! funny name so ya go to check them out and you find they are not a member,, they do not exist in the forum, they are, !!!!! who are they,, you start thinking awe it must be some one hacking in,, you go to report to admins ,, and think what if its the admin? so ya dont want to sound stupid, but you just can get it out of ya head,, maybe its the Man!!!:eek:,, AND YOU SAY ITS NOTHING AND GO BACK WHAT YOU ARE DOING . BUT ya just can go to sleep YA JUST CANT STOP THINKING ABOUT IT!!!!! WHOS THE GOOGLE SPIDER???? :eek:
then again maybe i am just paraniod:rolleyes:
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google runs around at night looking for key words to update
their site.
spyders are a good thing,when you look for a site google searches for
those key words to find what you want.
A distant relative to the South American banana Tarantula, how ever the goggle is not poisonous and ususally make good house pets and like to be named Leroy or Bob and have limited computer skills.

Does the clock on my computer really read 5am? Never mind I must be somnambulating
Hell, Only one spider,here's today's list from another site I go on.....

The most guests online over 24 hours was 1,141, 03-31-2008 at 01:29 PM.
Visitors (347), Radian6 Comment Reader Spiders (5), Yahoo! FeedSeeker Spiders (9), Radian6 FeedFetcher Spiders (6), Google Spiders (2), MSNBot Spiders (15), Yahoo! Slurp Spiders (10), Artabus Spiders (1), Spiders (4), Deepnet Explorer Spiders (2), Baidu Spiders (4), Majestics MJ12bot Spiders (1), Google FeedFetcher Spiders (3), Speedy Spiders (1), Alexa Spiders (1), Cuil Spider Spiders (1)
I thought the squasher / vaporizer thingey was going to do away with those dern things.

Yall don't tell Reason4......She hates spiders.:eek:
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I thought the squasher / vavorizer thingey was going to do away with those dern things.

Yall don't tell Reason4......She hates spiders.:eek:

Spiders aren't all that bad... they operate in the background & never post! They just index all sites & that's how sites get ranked on search engines.

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