I was a teenager while they were building the Arch, and it was a real confusing thing to a confused kid. I still don't really get it
.. Fun ride though--just don't try to make sense of it.
Forrest Park is interesting--the site of the 1905 world fair--lotsa lakes, fountians, paddle boat rides, statues- museums--also the Zoo--Nice Snake house if ya gots kids-or kinda are one..
Tower Grove Park is interesting in the South part of town-- theres a big castle type tower there--usta be where the hippies hung out and smoked and drank Boones Farm N Ripple. I was a Ripple fan...
The area around the brewery is nice--usta always smell like a bakery from the beer making going on--the local corner bars only sold Bud N Blackjack--a 'mixed drink' was a little water in the BlackJack. **** hill was South a little, they always had street vendors there selling bread sticks, and old fat women in all black--Cherokee Strip was just West-- Nice blue collar/Union part of town--I was a Teamster, and that big yellow button opened all sortsa doors there..
North part of town and across the river into East St Louis usta not be tourist friendly. I was mugged on MLK by a gang of 10 year olds and they hijacked my truck--it was full of catalogs
.. A crippled up Nam Vet/wino saved me--I had been paying him to watch my truck while I was unloading and it sure paid off. Ambulance wouldn't come into the neighborhood, so he called me a taxi to go to the ER.
Ah da good ole daze...
Great town --enjoy..