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Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2015
This is just my thoughts and opition. I`m sure some of yours will differ.

We all have seen and read on forums and discussion sites "what`s it worth". This can be a big thing. I thing some confuse value and worth. Value is normally what you have invested in item. This could based on invested $$$$ or just a number you have seen similar items priced at.

To me "worth" is, the price the seller and buyer agree upon. It is only worth what you can get at the time you decide to sell it. The seller agrees on a price that the buyer agrees to pay at time of purchase.
yep the value on my 65 f 100 4x4 isnt squat ,,, but its worth a million dollars to me ... and it would take that million to get it from me... I guess i'm saying its not for sale .:D:D
I agree, what it's worth is what someone is willing to pay that day and where it's at. I get asked a lot if I would sell my rpu and my reply is generally this "It would take a lot more than it's really worth to get me to part with it".

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