Here's the slimeball's e-mail address! Do with it what you will!!!

Rat Rods Rule

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What an idiot!! He deserves far worse than that rattler!! I think he needs to be a member of the shemale sites!!! LMAO Go get hin rattler!!![cl[cl
How about a free Hemi blower engine, that he has to come get. Then have a little coming to Jesus party when he shows up. No, not the kind reverand has.

after he got beat down i could pray for him to be healed, and then cast that devil out!!!!!:D just kiddin! but every thing will be judged one day!!!
He's a slime, OK

But I am a poor Viet Nam vet with post traumatic stress disorder, and a disfigured nose from a claymore mine. My son is returning from 12 years in an Iraqi prison camp, and the IRS wants to tax him on the food he got.

If only I had a Merc Flathead to put in his car for him........

Ford would do...............

Blower would go nice.........

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