Hi there, thanks for opening the door :)

Rat Rods Rule

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New member
Jan 7, 2012
Hi all, I'm an average everyday, dot on the map nobody from nowhere...thanks for the door opening. Live and work in southern Australia, over of the west coast.

have a 46 Chev ute (shiney type) its been on the road 15 or so years, a HR Holden sedan (1967) and home built bobber of sorts and a couple of other projects hoping to start soon.

Cheers for the site whoever does that hard work, I might forget to thank you from time to time, so big thanks up front. Appreciate your work and effort even if I forget to say so from time to time.

Ok, we return you to regular programming, rust along now:D
welcome to the RRR!

just a "heads up" pics are almost required with introductions....[ddev

and are required if you mention you already own a ride...[ddd

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