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New member
Jun 10, 2013
its the skinny crazy from cali again also known as sycophuk. going to try and post some pix of pinette. i am sorry for taking so long in replying to all that has welcomed us. since my last visit i have done some upgrading on pinette. I swapped out the stock type aluminum manifold for a edelbrock. Junked the quadrajunk (really was junk I built it out of four two of wich were exposed to the elements non of them with in 7 to 10 yrs ) for a holly . Had to swap the dizzy as the h.e.i. would not drop the last 1/2 inch or so,I was able to come up with a msd pro billet with a a c.d.i type ingniter. This is my first run with anything different in the dist area ,normally a upgrade in a chevy is swapping out point system to h.e.i. . A stock h.e.i. is good for a healthy street or a mild race. Also this holly I have acquired is not like any that i have experience with. Its a square bore manual choke only has 2 ports and one screw on the front block, its ally shinned and says holly since 1903 on the front of it .8050 b is on the side ,i don't recall the number on the air horn ,and its to damn hot to go find out. There don't seem to be any major tuning needed.pops a bit thru the secondary but that is cold with no tuning so it's doing well for r/r/r (rip it /replace/run it .I can sure think a few times through the years these same mods being a annoyance and nightmares. I am expecting a noticeable difference in all area's . I had all the crap before running quite well. Just three days before all this I had a encounter at a traffic signal . I had been driving from a car guys wal mart (a pull your own type parts supply) when I was aware of a growl at my left. I ignored it even though i noted it was deep resonating the need for respect.The signal changed and pinette and I left in a normal law conforming manner,the nasty v8 that i was hearing started hooking up and was grabbing third next to me. A little twisted it passed to reveal itself as a 5th gen retro camaro. After two or three signals of this same behavior I had grown irritant of it and decided to let pinette bark back. We are going with the flow of traffic about 46m.p.h. when i kicked the slush box down to second and popped the big ones on the Rochester.This was good for a 70degree angle full wheel spin . So at the next signal I the gave the accelerator a two jab I accept your challenge signal . when the signal hit was doing the feather the pedal leave .It was not doing much to a clutch that was being slipped or maybe traction control.At about 27m.p.h pinette started gaining back real estate when I finally clicked the b/m quarter shift into its last slot ,pinettes bumper was at the camaros center front wheel.Had there been a line or a infa red beam we would have been the loser but I was very happy with the outcome. After all that 5th gen was a ls 5 spd manual and at least a after market exhaust. pinette is a al98 switched over to a carb with a 1,70,00, plus 700r with barley legal tread on Michelin he weighs 2,610 with all the fluids and 7 gallons of fuel so i think pinette barked loud enough!


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For the first time in a while......I'm speechless....I think I read it 3 or 4 times.....I Welcome you??? ..... I think...can we request a name change?? I agree with WB3......sort of inappropriate...or am I just reading it wrong?? .maybe it's a joke....?? Maybe?? [S
Somebody want to PM DougnDog and explain it???

Ha..Ha..I don't get the name, maybe I'm too old? somebody's off their meds:rolleyes:

I would be I'd be laughing too hard to make any sense....lol:D Think I once had a girlfriend who fit the description..... :eek:

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